Day 11

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I waited.
One hour.
Then two.
Ichigo and the others never came back. I had heard a few explosions and felt spiritual pressure from a fight. I was starting to worry about them when I saw Dad at my door.
"They'll be fine," he assured me. "Like you said earlier, Toshiro is a Soul Reaper Captain. He can handle a little battle against an old friend."
"Yeah, you're right," I said, calming down a little. "But still-"
   "Dad!" Ichigo shouted, jumping through my window. Rukia, Renji and Rangaku followed. My eyes widened as I saw Toshiro in Ichigo's arms. All of them were beat up, but Toshiro had the worst wounds. And his old ones were re-opened.
"What happened!?" I asked. None of them answered. I glared at Ichigo. "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!!!"
"Why should I tell you when you refused to come with us!?!?!?" he shouted back. I stared at him for a moment, but then Ichigo walked out of my room, following Dad downstairs.
"Don't worry about him," Rukia said, getting into her Gigi. "He's just a little on edge because of what Captain Toshiro did."
"What?" I asked.
"He used himself as a shield for protecting all of us," Rangiku said. "I just hope he'll be alright." I didn't notice, but a tear rolled down my cheek. I covered my face with my arm, wondering what would've happened if I had been with them.
"Come on," Renji said to them. "Let's leave her alone." They left, closing my door behind them. I fell face first onto my bed, letting the tears out.

"Karin," Yuzu's soft voice said, waking me up. I looked up at her and she was running her hand against my cheek.
"Yuzu," I muttered. I sat up and she pulled me into her arms.
"It's going to be alright," she assured me. "Everything will be alright. You'll all get through this."
   "I know I will," I said, forcing myself not to cry again. "But now I wish I was there for Toshiro."
   "Come with me," Yuzu said, standing. "Stop being so glum. Ichigo and the other end tour for a bit and Dad's in his room doing some work. Let's go see Toshiro." I didn't object and we walked down to the clinic. Dad had put a sign on Toshiro's room seeing that he was staying for a longer time than realized. Yuzu quietly slipped the door open and we looked inside. Toshiro was in his Gigi form, his Zanpakuto leaning against the bed stand next to him. I walked over and held it in my hands. It was lighter than expected, but the hilt of the blade was worn out from the constant battles Toshiro fought in.
   "Toshiro," I muttered, looking down at him. My stomach growled, making Yuzu giggle quietly.
   "I knew you would be hungry since you missed dinner," she said. "Let's go. You can come back later." I put the Zanpakuto down and looked at Toshiro one last time before the two of us left.
   "Oh hey Karin," Ichigo said, when Yuzu and I came out of the room. The others weren't with him this time. "How is he?"
   "He looks pretty bad," I muttered, not making eye contact. "You can go in."
   "Ok," he said, going inside. I followed Yuzu into the kitchen area and sat at the table. Yuzu our a tray in front of me, the food wrapped up.
   "This will help," she said. She sat next to me, resting her head on her arm. "I can see spirits now, but not as strongly as you can. I'm jealous you can feel their presence and all that kind of stuff, just like Ichigo. I guess I'm the odd one out."
   "I would say you're the lucky one," I said, finishing the rice. "If I was never able to see Toshiro, I wonder if any of this would've happened. I wonder-"
   "If you never would've fallen in love with him?" Yuzu asked. "It's obvious you two care about each other. Now just take the next step and tell each other your true feelings!"
   "Yuzu!" I complained. She laughed and the looked at the clock.
"It's late," she said. "If you don't want to sleep, you do have homework to finish." I️ flinched, but knew she was right.
   "Shut up, Yuzu," I️ muttered. I️ walked up to my room and sat at my desk. I️ took my notebooks out, but wasn't able to focus. My thoughts kept drifting to Toshiro. How I️ wasn't able to help him today. How he got to worst injuries. I️ groaned and got up, pacing the floor. It had only been about 30 minutes, and it was around midnight.
"Karin?" Yuzu asked softly, knocking once on my door.
"What's wrong?" I️ asked, opening the door. "It's really late."
"It's Ichigo and the others," she said. "They ran off without saying where they were going or why. Toshiro is still unconscious, so they made sure I️ kept him here. Karin, please go make sure the others don't get killed!"
"They're fine," I️ said. "It's Ichigo you're talking about."
"But Karin-"
"Calm down, Yuzu," I️ said, opening the door and hugging her. "I'll go if you really want me to."
"Please, Karin," she said, crying. "Please make sure all of you come back alive." I️ nodded. Kisueke had given me a Gigi, and I popped the green pill into my mouth, my soul coming out of my body.
   "Don't do anything," I told my Gigi. She nodded, plopping down on my bed. I dashed out my window. Closing my eyes, I concentrated, pinpointing on Ichigo's location. A shrine on the other side of town. I felt the others with him, along with Seiji.
   Running off in that direction, I felt immense spiritual power. Was I already late? Reaching the shrine, I jumped up the steps, two at a time. The entire place was a mess. Holes everywhere, trees blown sideways and everyone was injured.
   "Guys!" I exclaimed, running over to help Ichigo up. "Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright!"
   "Yes, we are," Ichigo groaned, standing and holding his Bankai. "Now go stand over there!"
   I hesitated, gritting my teeth and putting my hand on the Zanpakuto. "Not this time. I'll fight, too!!"
   "Don't be foolish, Karin!" Rangiku said, wiping the blood from her face. "Who else will take care of Captain for us?"
   "This isn't fair!" I yelled. "I'll fight and that's that!! No one argue any more!!"
   "So you're their only hope?" Seiji asked. "I'm so scared. You didn't kill my brother, but if you stand in my way, I'll just have to kill you too!!!"
   A blinding light came towards us, and I stood my ground, preparing for impact.




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