Day 10

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We all found our Gigi's inside the house, resting in Ichigo's room. We joined back up and started talking and thinking about the afternoon affairs.
"Who is Kusaka?" I asked Toshiro first. He sighed.
"Might as well tell you since everyone else knows," he said. He explained about himself at the Academy and how he met another boy named Kusaka. They were great friends, until they went after the same Zanpakuto. That when things went downhill. He and Kusaka had to. Fight for the Zanpakuto and the winner gets to keep it. Kusaka lost, so Toshiro got Hiyorimaru. They killed Kusaka, but a few years he got a second change thanks to an ancient artifact called the Oein. He tried to take Kusaka on his own, but in the end he needed everyone help.
    "Seems like you've had a hard friendship," I concluded. Toshiro nodded and looked out the window.
"Old memories," Ichigo sighed, folding his arms and nodding in agreement. Toshiro got a little irritated and clenched his teeth.
"It's not like you could understand it," he muttered. I was the one sitting next to him, so I was the only one who heard him.
"So that's little Kusaka's younger brother?" Rangiku asked. "Seems like being a pain runs in the family."
"Yeah," Rukia nodded. "What should we do?"
"Well he's after Captain Hitsugaya," Renji said. "That much we know is for sure. We also know he wants revenge and his mind seems to only want that."
"Revenge isn't always the best path," Ichigo said. "I think we should stop him."
"I agree," I said. Everyone turned to me.
"And who said you were going to be in this battle?" Ichigo asked. "You're still new to this."
"Am not!!" I exclaimed. "I met Toshiro when I was still in grade school, so I technically know how to use a Zanpakuto and Flash Step and all the other requirements of a Soul Reaper!"
"Just let her do it," Toshiro said. Ichigo and I looked at him, surprised. "But you should know what you're up against, Karin. If you get killed during battle, you won't be able to come back to your normal life here in the World of the Living."
   "I know," she said. "I'll be fine will all of you there with me. Besides, I'll be on the sidelines most of the time." Toshiro smiled and walked over to the door.
   "This meeting is over," he said. "Let's have the rest of the day off. Relax and we can talk about this again in the morning." It was still a hour before dinner so I went outside for a walk. I took my soccer ball with me, wandering off towards one of the usually deserted places my friends and I went to. Sure enough, I saw everyone there. They all seemed to be getting ready to leave, though, so I waited for them to. When they were out of sight, I took my ball and stood and the half line. I dropped the ball in front of me and kicked it with all my might. It flew fast straight into the net.
"What am I doing?" I asked myself, watching the ball roll back to me. I kicked it again and sighed. "I've become a Substitute Soul Reaper, so shouldn't I be happy? But then why have I become more naïve about stuff? What is wrong with me!?" I lay down on the dirt and looked up at the sky. I sighed and closed my eyes, not wanting to think about what would happen later on.
"Hey," the person I wanted to see least said, sitting next to me. "What's up?" I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Toshiro sitting with one arm over his knee and the other on the ground supporting himself up. I turned away, but then sat up, groaning.
"What do you want?" I asked. "Did you come her for a reason?"
"Not really," he said. "Just wanted to send time with you." My face straightened and I took my hand and slapped him in the face.
   "What is wrong with you!?" I asked. "We'd never usually act this way! Toshiro, you usually get annoyed when I talk to you."
   "It's already been 10 days," he said. "You're just noticing now? That's surprising." I stood, my fists clenched.
"Never mind," I said. "I think I'm going home. See you later." I walked away, grabbing my soccer ball. When I got home, Yuzu was starting dinner. I went straight to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I sat at my desk and looked at some of the homework I still needed to do.
   "Karin!" Ichigo called, knocking on my door. "Is Toshiro in there? Cuz if he is-"
   "SHUT UP!!" I yelled. "GO AWAY!!!" My head was in my arms which was resting on my desk. I guess I must've fallen asleep because when I looked at the clock it read 7:46.
   "Are you alright?" Ichigo asked.
   "I said GO AWAY ICHIGO!!!!" I yelled again and then muttered, "I just want to be alone."
"Karin?" this time it was Dad's voice.
"What?" I snapped, my head still down.
"Unlock the door," he said and I hesitated.
"Why?" I asked. "I just want to be alone right now."
"Then just unlock the door," he said and I heard him walk away. I sat up and stretched, walking over to unlock my door. After doing so, I looking out the window. The sun was going down, but then I saw a figure running across the rooftops. It was Toshiro. He headed towards my school and I wondered why just as Ichigo burst inside the room. I spun around and saw him carrying his Gigi.
   "Come on, Karin!" he exclaimed, tossing his Gigi in her room. "We have to go help Toshiro!"
   "Why?" I spat. "It's not like he's my lover or anything. Plus he's a Soul Reaper Captain."
   "What if I said he might get killed?" Ichigo asked, opening her window.
"I don't really care anymore," I muttered.
"Fine then," Ichigo said, jumping out my window. "I'll bring Toshiro back with me. I promise."

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