Sneaking Out - Michael Imagine

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"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes Y/N we’re serious. You aren’t allowed to see Michael anymore." My parents ordered. They can’t be doing this. I need Michael. They just don’t understand. "But I love Michael!" I yelled. Mum and dad looked at each other and chuckled, as if the idea amuses them. They returned their all knowing gazes back onto me. "You don’t actually love him and you know that." Mum chuckled. It infuriated me that my parents thought that my feelings were just child’s play. "But I do love Michael! I love him s-" "Y/N really. In a few years you’ll see that we are making the best decision for you. In that amount of time Michael will be just a distant memory to you." Mum reasoned. A distant memory? It broke my heart to think that I could just forget Michael like that. Tears welled up in my eyes as I began to back away from them. "You can’t do this!" I yelled. "Yes we can. Our decision is final young lady." Dad asserted. I turned on my heels and rushed out of the room. This can’t be happening. My feet pounded onto the carpet as I ran into my room. The sound of my door slamming sounded through the house followed by a sob. I’ll never forget Michael. Not in my lifetime. Not ever. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and dialled Michael’s number. 
"Hey love." Michael chirped. "Michael." I sobbed. Tears were rushing down my face and I couldn’t help it. "Y/N what’s wrong?" He asked, concern filling his voice. "My parents-said that—I’m not allowed to—to-see you anymore." I managed to say. I fell to the floor in a crying heap, clutching my knees to my chest. "That’s not going to happen." Michael said sternly. "What?" I whimpered. What was he talking about? "I’m not letting them take you away from me. I can’t let them do that." He said. I smiled. Michael would fight tooth and nail just to have me in his arms. "Keep your window unlocked okay?" "Okay." I answered. Michael hung up on me, leaving me lonely and crying on my bedroom floor.
*Tap* *Tap* I looked up to the window from my position on the floor. I hadn’t moved from where I was but I had stopped crying. *Tap* *Tap* “Y/N!” I heard through the window. I recognised it as Michael’s voice. I shot up from the floor and yanked open my window. “Shhh! You’ll get my parent’s attention if you keep going like that.” I harshly whispered. “Sorry.” Michael apologised. “That’s okay. Now do you wanna come in?” I asked. A smirk grew on Michael’s face. It was a cheeky smirk. “I was thinking that I would take you out somewhere instead.” Michael reached his hand up to me. I smiled and took one last look into my room before taking the outstretched hand. The window was big enough for me to slide through. I swung my legs over the edge and slid out. Before I could hit the ground Michael grabbed me. He lowered me softly to the ground and snickered. “What?” I giggled, raising my eyebrows. “Goody two shoes Y/N sneaking out.” He teased. “Shut up.” I chuckled, smacking him in the arm. Michael intertwined his fingers with mine and led me to his ute. It was parked across the street so that my parents wouldn’t notice. We snuck over to his ute and quickly got in. As soon as Michael turned on the car I flicked the air conditioner onto it’s highest heat settings. I probably should have changed into something warmer than shorts and a t-shirt. It was really cold outside. “You cold?” Michael asked, looking over at me. “Cold is an understatement.” I laughed. Michael chuckled and shrugged off his jumper. He wrapped it around my shoulders then returned his hands to the steering wheel. “Thanks.” I smiled. “No problem.” He smiled back. Michael drove off, leaving my parents far behind. While we were driving I stared at the night sky. The stars were all shining down, imprinting it’s beauty into my mind. My eyes began getting heavy as I looked out the window. I let them flicker closed, sending me into a sleepier state. Before I fell asleep I felt Michael lift up my hand in his. His soft lips touched my fingertips in a soft, lingering kiss. It sent sparks flying up my arm. This is the sort of thing that my parent’s don’t see. The small things that make me love Michael more every day.
"Y/N.. wake up. We’re here." Michael’s voice broke through my sleepy haze. My eyelids flickered open revealing the interior of the ute. "Where are we?" I groggily asked. I looked over to see Michael still in the driver’s seat. "Football field." Michael shrugged. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "What? What are we doing at a football field?" "You have so many questions. Just come outside with me." Michael chuckled. I laughed once and undid my seatbelt. The seat squeaked beneath my weight as I stepped out of the ute. I shut the door and looked around. We were in the middle of a football field with no lights on except for the headlights on
Michael’s ute. I walked around to the front of the ute where Michael was standing. “What are we doing here?” I asked. “See babe. Too many questions. Now stand in front of me.” I did as Michael asked and stood in front of him. He placed his hands on my hips and bent his knees. “Michael wha-” I was interrupted by Michael lifting me up onto the bonnet of his car. I let out a squeal of surprise. “You’re too cute.” Michael smirked. I blushed as he lifted himself onto the bonnet next to me. We shuffled back so that we were now resting our backs on the windshield. The stars were now back in my view. Michael lifted his arm around the back of my head and rested it around my shoulders. I snuggled into his side, resting my head on his chest. This was cute. Again, something that my parents don’t see. We laid like that for what seemed like hours. Hours of peaceful bliss. My hair blew across my face from a small breeze. I was going to pull it away from my face but Michael beat me to it. He lifted the strand of hair and slowly pulled it behind my ear, tucking it into it’s place. I drifted my gaze up to Michael’s eyes. They were so beautiful up close. I lifted my head so that our faces were closer together. Michael leaned his face down so that our noses brushed against each other. He brought his hand up to my face, cupping my cheek. My heart fluttered in my chest. I decided to initiate the kiss. I closed the distance and brought our lips together. Our lips moved against each other’s in fluid movements, in perfect sync. Michael’s arm that was around my shoulder moved down to my waist, wrapping tightly around me. He pulled me closer to his side and rolled over so that our hips grinded together. I reached my hands up and grabbed his neck, pulling me even closer to his body. Wanting to get closer to him I moved my body against his, causing me to grind on him. A small moan emanated from his throat, turning me on slightly. We both knew that we had to slow down, so we both slowed our kisses to small pecks on the lips. Michael pulled away slightly, breathless. “Y/N, I’m not letting your parents take you away from me. They can say what they wanna say but that doesn’t matter to me. All that matters to me is you. Just you.” I smiled at him and brushed my lips against his. “I love you Michael.” I breathed. “I love you too.” He smiled. The hunger was still in Michael’s eyes so I thought that I should feed it. I pushed my lips back onto his, returning to what we were doing moments before. I will never let my parents take him away from me. Because he’s all I have.

A/N: I hope that you like this one! I wrote it in the car in Auckland whoop :) Bianca xx

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