#21 Song Preference: "When She Was Mine" by Lawson

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Calum: “Everywhere I go, Everything I do, Reminds me of you”

It had been a few weeks since Y/N and I broke up and to say I was looking worse for wear was an understatement. I missed her so much, she was my everything. I feel like I see her everywhere. I can’t go out without seeing her face somewhere or going into a coffee shop and remembering her order.

I couldn’t do anything anymore, somehow the boys had convinced me to have a movie day with them.

“Calum, you need to get over her. It’s slowly ruining you.” Michael said clapping my shoulder. “No. She was everything to me. How can I get over her when I see her everywhere? I can’t go anywhere, I can’t do anything without thinking of her. It all reminds me of her.” I said my voice cracking; I had never opened up like this to the boys before so this was a shock. “I just wish that I could hold her again. Kiss her again.”

Ashton: “What I miss the most, Is talking up all night, We laughed until we cried”

“Is Ashton okay?” I heard Calum’s voice break the silence as I was curled up on the lounge scrolling through my old messages with Y/N, I missed her. I couldn’t believe she ended it with me. “I don’t know, he hasn’t moved for hours.” Luke said as he let Calum in. Luke had offered to let me stay with him for a while as I couldn’t stand being in my own house. “Ash, you need to go outside. Freshen up.” Calum said as he stood in front of me, I shook my head and went back to reading the messages. From Y/N: ‘I miss you so much, I hope we have another night like the one we had before you left for tour.’ I thought back to that night, we spent the night talking and laughing until we cried. We never got to have that night again. I couldn’t imagine doing that with anyone else.

I heard Calum and Luke shuffling around the room behind me, I couldn’t care less. I just wanted to be able to hear her melodic laugh and see her beautiful smile. I wanted to be the one to wipe away the tears on her face from laughing so hard, it would never be the same with someone else. 

Luke: “Everything was easy, Everything was simple”

Why am I sitting here with this girl, I should be with Y/N? Was all that was going through my head as I sat across from a girl whom Ashton had set me up with, I know he meant well but this was going nowhere. Y/N and I had broken up a few weeks ago, as a mutual decision. Sure the girl I was sitting across from was beautiful and charming but she was nothing compared to Y/N. I couldn’t help myself from thinking about her, with her it was so easy I could be… well, me. Everything came naturally to me when I was with her. She brought out a different side to me and I wanted to be that person again but I couldn’t. I shook my head before I stopped my ‘date’. “Look I'm really sorry but I don’t think I can do this.” I said, she nodded at me. “You’re thinking about your ex aren’t you?”

“How did you-?” I stammered, she smiled. “Ashton told me. Don’t worry about it Luke. I’ll get the bill you go.” She said nodding at me; I looked at her again hoping it was okay. She nodded. “I understand. Go.” She said, I smiled and left the restaurant.  

Michael: “I tried to forget, But I need her”

I was still trying to figure out what happened between Y/N and I. I swear that we loved each other, clearly that wasn’t the case. I felt suffocated by everything around me, she was everywhere but nowhere at the same time. I needed to forget our relationship just so I could move on but I couldn’t. She was everything to me and she left me. I need her back in my arms where she belongs. She was the sun on a rainy day, and now it just feels like a never ending storm.

I hadn’t moved from my lounge for days now, just wanting to forget but I couldn’t. The boys had tried to get me out of the house but I refused.

“Michael, for god’s sake. You need to get out of the house.” Luke yelled through my phone, I sighed. “It’s not that easy. I love her. I have been trying to forget her, but I can’t.” I said trying to keep calm. “Don’t forget her then. Fight for her Michael.” Luke said before he ended the call. I sighed realising he was right, I got up and went to go fight for my girl. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Please comment and vote, it would mean alot!

~Lucy xx

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