Illegally Kissed - Ashton Imagine

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I sat dangling on top of the fence, one leg on each side. “Are you sure we won’t get caught?” I asked, weighing up my options. I could leave now and have no chance of getting in trouble, or I could stay and see why Ashton asked me to come here.”I’m sure, now drop down.” He said. I huffed, not comfortable with doing this. Ashton tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for me to come down. “Fine.” I groaned, swinging my other leg over and jumping off. Before I hit the ground Ashton’s large hands caught my waist as I gripped his biceps, grabbing onto the closest thing to support me. I felt his muscles flex under my grip as he lowered me to the ground. My breath left me shakily as I realised how muscular he was. No, not Ashton. Don’t think like that about him. “Thanks.” I mumbled, looking up into his mysterious eyes. Ashton nodded before turning and quietly walking away, careful not to step on any twigs. I looked around at my dark surroundings, faintly illuminated by the moon. “What are we doing here Ashton?” I whispered, worry lacing through my words. Ashton creeped to the side of the warehouse while I followed closely behind, scared of the dark shadows pressing against the walls. “Don’t worry so much.” Ashton sighed, reaching his hand into the knapsack hanging off his shoulder. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked. I was genuinely curious seeing that he’s the kid next door. Our parents were friends but I never talked to Ashton. He was a bad boy. Tattoos stretching the length of his arms, piercings curling around his lip and poking from his brow. Alcohol lingered on his breath. He was the total bad boy package. Ashton shrugged at my question. “Thought it would be fun.” His eyes searched the wall, flickering over tiny cracks and stains until it stopped on a clean spot. “Perfect.” Ashton whispered to himself. He pulled his hand from his bag to reveal a spray can. “You’re going to graffiti!” I whisper shouted. We were currently trespassing and now we were going to vandalise. Great. “Ashton you can’t do that!” Ashton ignored my words as he began his work. His arm traced out a jagged looking word and he stepped back to appreciate it. I flicked my head back to look toward the front of the warehouse, scared of someone seeing us. “Ashton we could get caught!” I said, worry lines creasing my forehead. “Seriously, stop worrying. We’re not gonna get caught.” He replied. I looked back to see him drawing a dick on the side of the building. I was going make a remark about it but a distant wail of sirens trapped the words in my throat. Ashton’s head snapped up before he quickly shoved the cans in his bag, trying to hide the evidence. “We’ve gotta run.” He muttered, rushing to me. He laced his fingers through mine and pulled me toward the front of the warehouse. The heat from his body made my already speeding heart beat faster. “Ashton we’re not going to get out!” I cried. Panic and doubt gripped my insides, making it harder to breath. “We’ll get out.” He grunted. We almost reached the front but stopped in our tracks when blue and red lights flickered against the wall. “Shit.” Ashton muttered. He turned back to where we came from, looking for an exit. Nothing. Adrenalin pumped through my veins causing my thoughts to cloud. I had no idea what to do. “Follow my lead.” Ashton said, his voice slicing through the storm in my head. I looked up at him. “What do you mean?” I asked. Ashton quickly answered my question by grabbing my waist and pushing me against the wall. Our chests were pressed together as he angled himself around me, encasing me. He dropped his head down and pressed his lips to mine. It was a light pressure, sending shivers down my spine. I heard footsteps on gravel, quickly approaching the fence. We needed to seem convincing. I kissed Ashton back and felt him inhale deeply in surprise. He pulled away for a second, his gaze flickering down to my lips then back to my eyes. Ashton’s expression changed to one filled with eagerness and hunger. Wanting the sensation from before, I reached my hands up to his neck and pulled his lips back to mine, arching my back to get closer. His hands tightened their grip on me and moved along my back, feeling every curve of my body. The cold of the night was fought against by the intense heat rising between us. Our kisses were quick, hungry, wanting and needing more as we continued. I licked Ashton’s bottom lip, asking for permission that was quickly granted. He parted his lips and I pushed my tongue in, feeling his tongue against mine. Ashton moaned which made my whole body tingle and my heart flutter. The crunching gravel came to a stop when the officer saw our heated moment. “Excuse me. This is private property.” The officer called out, shining a flash light at us. Ashton and I both ignored him as our hands roamed each other’s bodies. The light shining on us dipped away as the officer sighed and walked back to his car. Ashton’s hands moved to my breasts as he squeezed them making me gasp. He pushed his body against mine, leaving no room between the wall and my back. I felt something stiffening against my thigh and I smirked knowing I was doing this to him. I lowered my hands to Ashton’s pants, letting my fingers slip in. He groaned against my lips as I started playing with the hem of his boxers, letting my fingers get dangerously close. My heart pounded against his chest as he grinded his hips against mine, trying to cause as much friction as possible. Ashton’s lips left mine, instead they began trailing down my neck, getting closer and closer to my sweet spot. My breathing became heavier and quicker as he neared the sensitive area of my neck. The tyres of the police car crunched on gravel as he drove away, leaving us in just the light of the moon again. Ashton pulled his head up from my neck. “You did a good job.” Ashton half smiled. Anger and confusion mixed within me. Was that just a game? Ashton realised I was getting angry and leaned down to my ear. “Calm down. I said you did a good job, not that I didn’t enjoy it.” He chuckled lightly, and I could hear the smile in his voice, “And I enjoyed it a lot.” The smile dropped as he lowered his voice to a husky whisper. “Your parents are coming over tomorrow and I know you don’t talk to me when they’re there..” He brushed his lips down my neck before whispering against my ear again, “But with what I have planned, there won’t be any talking.” I shivered at his words, an electric buzz tingling through me. Ashton lifted his head back up, lacing our fingers together. “Now let’s get outta here.”

A/N I had no idea what to call this ahaha so there ya go :) I hope you guys like it! :)

Bianca xx

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