#29 What He Likes About You

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Calum: Your Hair 

Calum loves being able to twirl the strands of your hair between his fingertips as you sleep peacefully, not knowing what he’s doing. Splayed across the pillow, he takes in how it’s shaped, because the next night it will be different. Calum even thinks it’s cute when your hair is all scruffy after just waking up. 

Ashton: Your Smile 

Ashton loves it when you smile because it just lights up the room. No matter what mood he’s in, you smiling, will make him feel happy. Even when you aren’t looking at him he will study the curves of your lips when something makes you smile. And he especially loves it when he’s the reason for your smile. 

Luke: Your Eyes 

Luke loves everything about your eyes. The way they look when you laugh, the way they look when you’re sad. He thinks they are perfect. Luke also notices the way the irises are brought out more when you cry, contrasted by the redness around them. He just thinks they are perfect. And he always seems to get lost in them. 

Michael: Your Voice 

Michael could listen to you talk for hours. He is mesmerised from the first utterance of a word from your lips. Mikey will never admit it though so he pretends to be doing something while you’re talking but he’s really listening to your voice. How it goes up when you get excited. How it goes small when you’re sad. Michael notices and he loves it. And he especially loves your voice when you moan his name.

A/N I hope you like it :) 

Bianca xx

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