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"Okay...Okay...I think I'm good" Kaldos said catching his breath. "Haven't you gotten used to the smell yet? Gosh you're such a baby!" Don said. "I'm not use to sneaking around like this, I'm sure you do this on a daily basis. You probably live down here huh?!" I yelled. "What are you implying?" She said building rage. "Let's all get along now" Jaime said as the water began to shake. "What's that?" I asked. "What time is it?" Don asked. "Hmmm, a little past 10 I'd say" Jaime said. "It's the cleaning, we got to get up to the surface!" Don yelled. "No way! those mob goons are probably waiting for us with their barrels pointed to each manhole!" I shouted. "Water! It's a wave of water!" Jaime said. "that's not water it's shi-!". The "liquid" pounded us hard as we were taken away with the current. "I'm gonna puke!" I said through my air bubbles. "My armors going to rust!" Jaime complained. With a quick movement of her hand and a few words a blue light formed around us as a giant fish appeared out of no where. We each grabbed onto it as it swap us passed the water down into a safer area. Jaime began coughing up water as Black bolt shook off what he could. "What a good horse, so majestic even in such a state" Don said to her fish's displeasure. "I ate some! I swear! It's in my stomach right now! Kill me!" I yelled rolling on the ground. "At this point licking the ground would be cleaner then whatever you swallowed" Don laughed. Before she could finish her fish shallowed her whole as she was spun in a circled while the fish dived in and out of the water like a seal with a ball. "Hehe, serves you right" I snickered. After a bunch of non sensical grunts I assume she got her spell out because the fish soon disappeared and she was left on her knees breathing in and out like she just ran a marathon. "Why didn't you help me?!" She yelled. "Sorry, I was too busy licking the floor" I said snobbishly. "Kaldos look!" Jaime said peeping out from a man whole. "What is it?" I said looking out to see a luxurious mansion the size of the academy back in Cobalt. "This is it, Mr. Frantoio's safe house" Don said climbing out. "Safe House!" I yelled before she covered my mouth. "Shh! We have to sneak out back! If we don't hurry the guards will finish their scouting of the city and litter the yard in droves!" She said. "Droves!" Me and Jaime yelled. "Droves! Now shut up and let's get moving!". We carefully snuck around back. "Hey Jaime tell Black Bolt to wait up front somewhere, he's too obvious" I whispered to him. "Got it, Black bolt could you-!" Black bolt kicked him in the face before calming walking off "good horse" Jaime said bloody. "So what's the plan to get in?" I asked Don. She smiled very cunningly "it took some time but it's full proof only one thing could get in the way but I doubt it's a problem". She arrived at the back door and after a second of silence jiggled the knob. "Plan failed, it seems they really did lock it, truly we are dealing with some otherworldly masterminds". "No your just a airhead!" I yelled. "I see victory up ahead!" Jaime said. "Where?!" I said looking forward. "Of course!" Don said "It's the second floor Window!". "You meant that literally?!" I yelled to Jaime. "Course, I want to be honest with you". "How do we get up there?" I thought. "Um well I don't know about "we" Don said. Before I could question here two eagles began lifting me up. "We'll head to the front and make a distraction" Don said. "Wait hang on! I don't like this plan!". "Good luck Kaldos, be good". "I hate y'all!" I yelled being thrown through the window. "We did good" Don said smiling. I laid face first on a rather nice smooth marble floor that's color palette involved the Greek style of blue and white. "This really is a swanky looking place huh?". "No..." A voice whispered. "Huh? Who's there?" I said turning to seeing a rather curvaceous young lady in the nude wet. "...Milady". "NOOOO!!!!" She howled as I ran up to her and covered her mouth, slipping at the same time on the humid and slippery floor. "That's why you don't run in a bathroom" I said to myself before realizing my position. "Kaldos this is no time to act like an animal!" Lily yelled hitting me.
"Lady Cuore!!!" Three mobsters yelled rushing into the bathroom to see me...enjoying my time with the pretty lady. "Okay I can't say I didn't see anything but there were these eagles and the marble flooring and lovely decor and she started it!" I yelled as I put my hand out and fired a water blast throwing them back. "You have a nice body! I'm sorry for what I did!" I yelled running off. She laid on the floor as she covered up, blushing. "How could you say that you perv!" Lily yelled. "I was being nice, what else could I have said?!". "You could have bought her flowers or offered her out to dinner or maybe even bought her a nice necklace," Lily said. "I ain't got time for any of that!". "It's the least you could do for sexually harassing that young girl!". "You're just jealous that your boobs aren't that big anymore!". "How dare you! I'll have you know as a fairy I still have a very modest bosom" she said angrily. "There he is boys! Light em up!" A goon said as they pulled out their Tommy guns. "Dubius mortem!" I yelled making a smoke scene flood the upper mansion level as I ran around aimlessly before hiding in a room. Inside I found a small hole to hide in. "Hehe quite fitting for you, crawling around like a rat" Lily laughed. "Can't you just shut u-!" As I crawled the ground disappeared under me as I fell into a room where my fall was cushioned by something. "It's so dark, Kaldos light!" Lily commanded. "Aren't you suppose to be helping me" I mumbled as a small flame popped out from my finger. "It's still too dark..." I said looking around before something caught fire. "Ah, Kaldos put it out! Put it out!" Lily yelled. "Wait! Hang on! What spell! what spell!". It's spreading Kaldos! It's SPREADING!!!!" She yelled. Outside two guards heard the ruckus. They quickly ran towards the sound. "Um um um!". "KALDOS!!!!". "Vesica Piscis!!!" I yelled as the guard opened up the vault to see a wave of blue and green flood out of the room. "I did it..." I said as I was surrounded by goons in every angle with all their guns cocked. "Kaldos...It's!!!" Lily said as I looked up to see a drenched and angry Frantoio Cuore who was redder than a tomato. He had spots of green all over him. Before I could fully understand what had happened I noticed that him and the whole room was full of soaked and worthless piles of money. "Hehehe.....Oops?".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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