Sam//someone hitting on u

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   Their we were me and my boyfriend sam and of course Colby. Colby is like a brother to me and to sam. Colby invited us to reeds pool party. Of course is aid yes but sam don't like the idea of me going with other guys around. Sam is the jealous type but i talked him into it. Later that day me and Sam are getting ready. I grabbed my strapless black bikini top and bottoms. I got my distressed light colored jean shirt With  my white crop top. I walked out to see Sam on his phone and his jaw dropped I laughed and sat next to him in the bed. We stared in each other's eyes which seemed for ever when he stared kissing me. He started to kiss behind my ear where my sweet spot was. I let out a moan and he whispers to my ear, why are u so beautiful. I laughed and said I don't know a sarcastically and cocky way he laughed and started to gently kiss my  Collar bone. I pushed him of and told him after words. Man did I want him know but it was time to go. As we got to the party reed greeted us in and it was packed. We went to the pool where sam and Colby took off their shirts as I do to and my pants. Sam smiled and jumped in. He asked me to come in but I told him no, that it was to cold. He laughed and started to swim  sam was looking away as guy came over to me. He said why are sitting here all alone when u could be with me upstairs. I laughed  and said that was so cheesy and I have a boyfriend, he smirked with a laugh and said where is he, roughly grabbing my arm. I pulled away but his grip was to strong. As I was about to answer sam said here dumbass. Man did I love it when he was protective of me. The guy let go and turned to sam.
He said Turning to me that's your boyfriend I'm way better. I said no your not sam is the only one I like he's the sweetest man alive and is 10 times nicer then u and I would never leave him for a scumbag like you. He laughed and turned to sam who was smiling. The guy made fun of Sam and Sam swung his fist right Into the guys head. As he tumbled down I ran to sam and kissed him.

Their is part two but it does get pg.-13. Sorry if it sucked but I try my hardest.

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