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   After me and my boyfriend of 3 years left the movie, his best friend texts you.
Sam is his best friend since high school.
S: hey can I come hang out with Colby and u
Y: ya were heading back from the movies know
S: oh well I'm already at your house he says laughing
Y: ok we'll be their in 5
I could see Colby through the corner of my eye being paranoid by the way I laughed at his text. I asked Colby what was wrong but he said nothing. I knew something was wrong but I'll talk to him later. As we got their sam was outside I ran to him and squeezed him tight. Colby furrowed his eyebrows, witch made me mad. As we went in and sat down me and sam picked out a movie as Colby went up stairs. After the movie was almost over Colby finally came out. U could tell he was upset but I didn't bother to ask tell sam was gone. As sam left u asked Colby what was wrong he said everything. I asked what's wrong again in a mom voice. He looked up at me and told me that he sees the way u look at Sam, the way y'all flirt when I'm around. My mouth opened and I started balling. I don't like sam he's just a best friend to me I scream back. Colby rolls his eyes and says ya sure. Colby Brock I mean it I said as started to break down in tears. He said I don't believe u, I said since u don't believe me then why am I here. He rolled his eyes and said I don't know. As he got up to walk out the door I stopped him and said no your not if anyone leaves it's me. I walked out the door crying calling sam, ignoring Colby screaming my name down the halls. Sam only lived a block away from us so I ran all the way to his apartment. I couldn't here Colby yelling my name anymore. When I got to Sam's he was on the phone with Colby. Ya she's here he says on the phone. Colby wants to talks to u Sam's says. I don't want to talk to him but if wants to talk so bad he'll have to come get me. I ran to the bathroom crying. I could here sam screaming through the door, but I ignored. I could here him call Colby and tell him everything. I started to cry at a picture of me and Colby. I fount a blade in the floor and right before I was about cut, Colby came through busting the door. He grabbed the blade and threw it across the room. He said he was sorry for coming to conclusions. I told him I'm sorry for leaving, he said that it was his fault for u leaving and that it will never happen again.
I love u Colby Brock..
I love u to Y/N he says back

I made this one up my brain so sorry if this one sucked but some if the stories are about sex, self harm so pls if u get triggered easy don't read the self harm ones....

Sam and Colby imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang