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Yuri. Is. A. Babe.
The response I've been getting is absolutely amazing and I find that waiting to update is pretty much the same feeling as waiting for one!

I really hope you enjoy this update, let my know in the comments and don't forget to vote!


It hurt to watch my father turn and leave like that, but I knew he wouldn't bother me about Yuri again. But then again, a part of me was slightly angry to Yuri, he didn't need to step in like that. "Hey Yuri, I can look after myself." I looked up at him, his fringe partially shadowing his handsome face.
"I know." His arms were still around my waist, protecting me from the world. Keeping me safe.
"Do you know that people are watching? What about how many of your skating fans here have their phones out taking pictures?" I asked, Yuri shrugged with a lopsided smile.
"I really don't care." He placed a kiss on my head and took my hand, "Skate with me. As a pair."
"I can't do tricks and things though!" I exclaimed, terrified.
"It's okay, I got you. I'll show you some really easy ones and then you can be the other ice fairy." He suggested. I smiled, despite how tired I was, how angry and upset I had been, Yuri made it all disappear. I understood now why he took to the ice, why he held up a persona of crude comments and a bad temper, he was soft inside, innocent, he was alone and wanted to defend himself against the world. Just like me.

We skated for a while as a pair, Yuri taught me tricks and I was soon skating with equal to speed to him, with only slightly less grace. I was so tired by the end of our skating session that I sat on the cold floor with my back against the barrier. "I'm not moving from this spot." I breathed, drinking my water and closing my eyes with my head against the wooden wall. I felt Yuri sit next to me and his warmth stretch across my front, I opened my eyes quickly enough to see Yuri's eyes close and his lips to reach mine. My eyes remained wide for a few more seconds before closing, his hand over mine and him leaning slightly over me to kiss me. I felt the familiar warm explosion spread through my body and then Yuri got up and sat with his back also against the wooden barrier. "Then I'll just have to stay here with you." He grinned, I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'd be glad to have you stay with me." I undid the laces on my skates before slipping them off and curling up a little. I was so god damn tired...
"Are you aware that you are currently falling asleep on me or do you just not give a shit?" Yuri asked, I shot up and he smirked.  I felt my face heat up and Yuri snaked his arm around my waist, he pulled me back into him. "I don't mind to be your temporary pillow, but be careful where you sleep. I'll have trouble carrying you to the locker room."
"Oh God... I'm not heavy, am I?" I asked, what if he thought I was and that I wasn't good enough?
"No. You're just right." He gave my hand a squeeze, "I like you just the way you are. Even though you are a little unorthodox and oblivious."
"Hey, isn't that Viktor's student?" A strangers voice sounded, louder than all others. Yuri tensed up and his eyebrows knitted together, his jaw visibly clenched and his grip on my hand became slightly tighter.
"Let's go." He stood up and handed me my skates before leaving the rink. He got to the locker room and violently removed his things from his locker. "I fucking hate that. I hate Viktor. I hate that I'm always in a shadow." He mumbled, I put my hand on his arm and he froze. "I-I didn't meant for you to hear..." He suddenly sounded so vulnerable, his confident posture melted away and his eyes showed nothing but sadness.
"It's okay." I soothed, my words snapped him out of his state and he suddenly returned to the usual Yuri. I smiled sadly and he turned, he kissed my head before sighing.
"I haven't been having a fun time with skating, I'd you haven't already guessed." He hoisted his bag up onto his shoulder.
"I know. Maybe you should talk to Viktor." I got my own things and walked alongside Yuri through the lobby and out into the cold Russian twilight.
"He's in Japan." Yuri's breath hung in clouds in the air, his nose reddened a little at the cold.
"Maybe you could go to him?" I suggested, Yuri looked thoughtful.
"I could do. I just need to find him, he went off to coach the little Japanese piggy without even talking to me. Could you go with me?" He asked, "I might need someone to help me keep my temper in check." I took his cold hand.
"Cold hands warm heart." I smiled at him, "Of course I'll go with you."
"Cold hands warm heart?" He questioned, I nodded.
"It means outside you are cold, protected, but inside you are full of warmth and love." I explained, he smiled.
"Something like that."

He began to walk away from the rink and into town, I walked with him to the café. Again, we ordered our drinks and sat by the window, the window was foggy with condensation and water droplets. Yuri scrolled through what I assumed to be his social media with his eyebrows knitted together, I watched him for a moment before speaking. "You alright, Yuri?" I asked, he looked up and placed his phone on the table, a picture of us skating and a picture of us sharing a kiss was on the screen.
"Everyone seems to think you're my girlfriend." He stated blankly, I felt a pang of hurt hit me like a punch in the gut. "But the thing is," He continued, taking my hand, "I haven't gotten around to asking you yet." He smiled warmly and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk.
"Dumb question Yuri, the answer I'd obviously yes." I smiled, Yuri did too.

I did it. I was the reason behind one of his smiles.

Agapé and Éros - Yuri Plisetsky X Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora