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My head hurt. It hurt bad. I opened my eyes to the pitch black of the room at four in the morning. I was covered in sweat but my body was freezing. I shivered, I could feel Yuri beside me but no warmth was seeping through my skin. I felt as if I was suffocating. "Y/N, you okay?" A sleepy Yuri turned to face me, though I found it hard to focus I could see the concern lacing his features. He held his hand to my head, cursing under his breath and getting out of bed. He returned a moment later, pressing a cold washcloth to my forehead and helping me to sit. I drank the water and took the paracetamol he handed to me before being eased back into bed. He rejoined me, his arm around me and my head on his chest. He kissed my head, even though it must have been so gross. "I'll be here when you wake back up, go to sleep now."

I could focus again when I woke up, Yuri was sitting against the headboard on his phone. My body felt weak, I placed my hand on his leg and he looked down. "Before you ask why I'm not in training, I'm staying here and looking after you. Tell me if you need anything, okay?" I nodded, glad I didn't have t speak. My throat felt as if razors had carved into it, not a pleasant feeling really. He pushed my hair back out of my face, checking my temperature again I guessed, he dropped his hand and headed back out, "I'm running you a bath, you'll feel better once you're a little cleaner." What he really meant was that I was gross and clammy and not exactly in the best state of hygiene, but I happily complied and allowed myself to be shooed into the bathroom. 

I sank into the water, the water was lukewarm - not too hot to bring back my fever but not too cold to chill me to the bone. I sighed, my throat burning with the sudden rush of air. The cold felt nice against my skin, it felt good not to have clothes sticking to my body, damp and suffocating. I rested there for a while and thought of home. I wondered what my Dad would be doing, I still didn't want to speak to him, I didn't care for his reasons and I wanted to live my life without having to worry anymore. I was enjoying living outside of his shadow, I could be anyone I wanted to be. But had I just swapped out one shadow for another? Was I not just living in Yuri's shadow now? I opened my eyes, the world momentarily hazy. Maybe I had. I barely left the hotel alone, not that I was in any state to do so right now anyway, but I wasn't living for me, even if I wanted to lie to myself and try convince myself otherwise. I hoisted myself out of the bath and pulled on the clothes waiting for my before heading back to bed, relishing in the fresh sheets but wincing as the cold burned into my skin.

Almost an hour later, Yuri came into the room with a man in tow, a doctor. The doctor checked me over, listening to my chest, taking my temperature and checking my throat before writing a prescription, Yuri left again to go get it. Now he was living for me, right? Was that the same as waiting like a lost puppy for the other to return? I turned my phone on and scrolled through social media, almost every post of me now was linked to my famous boyfriend. All I was was Yuri's girlfriend. Not myself. No voice of my own, a hidden ability to speak. I waited for Yuri to come home before typing my thoughts into my phone:

Y/N: I feel like I am not myself, I have never been my own person, nobody but you sees me for who I am and I want to be more than the figure skater's girlfriend. I hope you understand.

"You are more than that though, it is silly of you to think that, but yes I see what you mean." He was a little hurt, I could see it. I had expected anger, not sadness. "How about you figure something out and make a name for yourself, I will help in any way that I can, if you let me." I nodded, taking his hand and kissing it.

Y/N: But don't get me wrong, I love being Yuri Plisetsky's  girlfriend. I also have an idea, but I'd like all of the skaters to be involved.

"Okay... It must be big then. But first, let's get you well again, okay?" He kissed my forehead, now cleaner than the last time. "Besides, I haven't had a day off in a while. I think a day in bed with my girl is in order." Out of a bag that he had in his hand, he pulled out my medicine, movies and some ice cream, he smiled as I eyed the tub. "Your favorite and only the best for you."

Hi guys, it's been a while.

Sorry I am not updating as frequently, it's a little hard to come up with new chapter ideas for each week so I'm going to be slowing my update schedule down for a little while so that I can write the best chapters possible for you guys, you deserve the best.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, what do you think your project is? It must be big if you need the help of all the skaters.

See you next update!

Agapé and Éros - Yuri Plisetsky X Reader Where stories live. Discover now