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Yuri was gentle with me, he must have sensed that I was still emotionally aching from last night. I woke up to Potya on my feet and a tray of breakfast waiting on the bedside table, the TV was on and Yuri looked down at me. "I'm not training today, so sleep in if you want." He pulled me towards him so that my head rested on his chest, "Are you feeling okay today? You didn't sleep well."
"I'm okay I guess. Just a little tired." I snuggled into him, nibbling on a piece of fruit.
"Then it's a good job you can sleep."

My eyes were just drifting shut when the door slammed open. "Yurio! Hello Yurio!" I looked over at the culprit in annoyance, silver hair, tall and slim... Viktor Nikiforov. Wait... Viktor Nikiforov! I sat up abruptly, Yuri tensed and I could tell he was infuriated. Viktor looked at me, this was not how I had envisioned meeting the world's best skater...
"Yurio's girlfriend, hello!" I smiled politely and glanced over at Yuri, Yurio... What a cute nickname.
He scolded Viktor and told him to wait out in the lobby, he'd meet him in half an hour.

"Yurio?" I grinned, raising an eyebrow as he pulled on a blew sweater. He scoffed.
"That man is an imbecile."
"He's entertaining." I corrected, "I know he left you for another skater but-"
"No buts. He's a jerk and so it that little piggy that he's training." He headed over to the bed and kissed me on the forehead, "I'll come back soon."
"Don't have too much fun, Yurio."

Once Yuri was gone, I was alone with Potya and nothing to do. The flight over here was so rushed I hadn't brought anything other than my phone and essentials. I logged onto my social media and read the headlines:

Yuri Plisetsky's New Ice Princess Revealed

Yuri Plisetsky Goes On Date

Yuri's Off-Ice Romance

I rolled my eyes, at least they weren't slandering my anymore. But it was overwhelming, I'd have millions reading about me, people trying to take photos, anyone trying to use me like my father had... I did not look forward to that. "Yuri wouldn't let that happen, right Potya?" I scratched the cat behind the ears and he stretched out, his little paws spreading out like a fan.

Fan To Lover: How Did She Do It?

I clicked on the headine.

Y/N L/N is Yuri Plisetsky's new lover. So how did she do it? We never took the Russian Punk for much of a lover, sources reveal how she melted his heart.

"Well, she's nothing special, nothing unordinary. She wasn't exactly one of us though, I guess screaming at him wasn't the way to go." A source recalled, "She's also very nice, I don't think she's been mean to any of us, and we haven't exactly been welcoming in the fandom. I guess that's what he sees in her."

The blossoming relationship saw the rise of the #PlayingPlisetsky tag on Twitter, in which fangirls attacked this individual. Speaking to her father, we uncovered that the girl is unlikely to be aware due to her inactivity on twitter since her mother died. "She couldn't handle seeing news articles in her mothers wake, it's a shame really. The two were close."
"I only wish I could make her life better from these things, I thought bringing her to Russia would be the better decision. Now I see that it may not have changed things after all."

I felt bile rise in my throat, my mother was not some sob story, she was a part of my life. How dare people speak of her as some local news story, I couldn't handle it because my mother was dead and I'd loved her for all she was. I downloaded the app and typed up a message:

As someone who is strongly against using people's personal life as a story, I remind you ALL that what you read on an article is not the truth. ESPECIALLY someone's personal pain.

I linked the article to the thread before entering the hashtag the fangirls had created into the search bar. Millions of hate tweets, photos hopped pictures and general trolls appeared before my eyes. As I behan to read I saw one tweet that killed me:

@ Y/N stop using your mother as some kind of tool to get Yuri. We see through it.

I sprinted to the bathroom at that point, the bile passing my throat. I could just see her now, laying there with machines keeping her alive. Knowing that she was gone when all I wanted was for her eyes to open and cracked lips smile as she saw me. "Y/N?" Yuri was in the doorway, I flushed and hurried to stand. "Why are you crying?" He picked up my phone from the floor and I saw concern and anger lace his expression. He threw my phone to the bed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I love you, it's okay. Don't cry, it's okay."

Sorry for another chapter that hits the feels. Also, I apologise if it seems shorter this week, I'm sick as I'm writing this but you guys mean so much I couldn't not update.

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