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I couldn't sleep that night. All I could think about was being able to meet Yuri's whole family, but he wouldn't meet mine. I could imagine my mother's reaction, utter joy at the idea of me meeting someone, her sitting on my bed giving me advice about dates. I wished she could be with me.

"Oh Y/N, the day will come for you to understand love, to fall for someone. I cannot wait to see that day, I can't wait to see someone care about you as much as I do." Mum kissed my head as she released me from a hug, she'd been upset after seeing my Dad on TV with his new wife so I'd started talking to her about love. "Not everyone is a man like your father, I don't feel angry towards him like I should. It's a part of life that he had to move on from, I  get that." She took another piece of popcorn from the bowl and shifted under the blanket. She was very wise, a different kind of human being, I wanted to be just like her.

"But doesn't it upset you? Do you not ever feel angry because he took yours away?" She shook her head.

"No sweetheart, I have you and that is all I need. When you lose someone like I did your father, it's the same as grief. Grief is love with nowhere to go, I have you to give that love to, I guess if I didn't have you I'd be bitter." 

I looked across at a sleeping Yuri. All he would ever meet would be my father, a man whom I could never see as a good person again, no matter how hard he tried. I just wanted him to meet my mother, to see that my family was good, to meet her and love her as much as I did. I could just see it:

"Mum, this is Yuri, you know, the guy I watch skate."

She would run in in delight, probably in a messy state from working, but with a large grin on her face. "It's wonderful to meet you, Y/N talks a lot about you. Please make yourself at home, feel free to put your feet up or do what you like, within reason." She'd glance at me, reminding me of awkward conversations about safety. 

She'd wait until I had to go to the loo or something, until she could get Yuri alone before sitting down with him and looking him dead in the eye. "Now, listen here, I don't want to come across as the crazy Momma Bear, but she's gone through a lot and doesn't have great expectations because of her father. Don't hurt her like that, don't let her down. Okay?" Yuri would nod and her bright smile would return as I re-entered the room, she'd tell me they'd had a chat before bouncing off into the kitchen.

Yuri stirred in his sleep, I wondered what his mother and father were like. Were they obsessed with their reputation like my dad? Were they wonderful and selfless like my Mum? I hoped the latter, although the former was the most likely, from seeing Yuri's mannerisms and closed attitudes it would make sense. I struggled to imagine my parents as their opposites:

My Dad would sit on the sofa, passing me some biscuits that he stashed in the back of the cupboards, a cup of tea in his hands. He'd ask me about the skaters on TV and why I enjoyed it so much, why Yuri was my favourite - I wasn't Russian, so why? We'd laugh and I'd explain to him, despite his unmoving clueless expression.

I imagined Mum, sitting in a closed study all day, only emerging for meals. I'd be in trouble if I didn't show up. She'd have some tanned model boyfriend who only ate green things and drank powdered protien for his lunch every day. She'd warn me not to disrespect him, talk about corporate figures and propose her next business venture. I had to agree with her, my opinion wasn't necessary here.

It'd be so wrong if my parents were that way. I could'nt fathom not being close to my mother, she was my rock. 

I had been crying, I'd tried to cover it up but I couldn't help my swollen, red eyes. I felt an arm snake around my shoulders. "Hey, glum chum, what's up?" My mother was always so youthful, so full of life.

"Nothing, just sad." My Dad had sent me a birthday card again, the usual happy birthday with money, but no phone call like he promised. Just a text about being in a meeting.

"Come on, it was only yesterday that you were wishing and blowing out candles, why don't we go get another cake, or make one." Mum wasn't the best cook, but she was fun. We may not have had much but she made everything rich.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Yuri had woken up, I snapped to attention. 

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep..." I looked away into the darkness and a finger moved across my cheekbone, I could feel his concerned gaze boring into me through the darkness. Potya nudged my hand reassuringly.

"You're crying."

"Am I?" I hadn't noticed, I just wanted my Mother. I wanted one last hug, one last laugh, one last see you soon. But I wasn't allowed such a liberty. Yuri's arms wrapped around me, he pulled me into him and stroked my hair gently.

"Was it about your mother?" I nodded.

"How did you know?"

"You talk about her a lot in her sleep, she sounded amazing. I wish I could have met her. Do you think she would have liked me?" He asked, I pulled away slightly and looked at the hazy outline of his face.

"Yuri, she would've loved you. She would've told you not to hurt me but other than that, she'd have doted on you. You treat me so well she would've greeted you with open arms. Yuri, you're so much like her she'd almost forget I existed." I exclaimed, Yuri kissed my head.

"No, she's probably smiling down on us now, she'd never forget you."

Hi, I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter and that it didn't make anyone too sad, I thought I'd try out an idea I've been debating using for ages and I think it turned out pretty well. What do you think?

I'm glad to see that everyone is enjoying the story so far, don't forget to comment because I love talking to you guys!

See you soon!

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