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I want to try and update more often so take this new update as an apology for taking so long. I was gonna wait a week but you guys deserve it for sticking with me.

Also, Yuri wants anyone reading this after 12pm to take a rest and get some sleep, he appreciates you staying up so late for him but he wants you to stay happy and healthy, so you guys need rest. I've seen you all up really late and I want my Wattpad family to be okay!

Yuri and I love you guys, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story when you can!

Yuri and I decided to take the rest of the day off after the rink, he even turned off his phone, which was incredibly surprising. We headed for a walk through the town and just spent the day enjoying the local culture. We ended up in a cafe and Yuri tried to teach me to use chopsticks, it wasn't very successful.

"Ew, doesn't she ever quit? She's so desperate she doesn't even like Yuri." My ears pricked at the voice of a girl, I looked in the window in front of me and saw two girls with cat ears sitting at the nearest table.
"Ugh I know, she's not even that pretty and I bet she's an utter fake, only after Yuri for his money and his fame. I guarantee once she gets what she wants she'll-" Yuri put his hand on mine reassuringly, I tried to ignore it and smile gently but my eyes were tearing up faster than I would've liked.
"Ignore them, they're jealous." He mumbled, I nodded as the girl's words got worse and worse and tears began to fall. I wasn't fake, or a user, I loved Yuri, why wasn't I just allowed to love? All I wanted was to see him happy, why did people have to be so cruel?

Yuri stood up abruptly, his chair screeching against the floor, he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him as he marched over to the girls. Their faces lit up but dropped once they saw his infuriated expression, he was clearly seeing red, pure relentless rage. "You two," He was practically foaming at the mouth, he pointed to them, "Apologise right now! You idiots think I'd ever want people like you to support me? You want to support me then support my lovely girlfriend, she is the total opposite of you spiteful pigs!" The whole cafe was looking, my face heated up and the girls looked to me dumbfounded.
"We-We're sorry..." They looked to the floor.
"You better bloody well be. And you'd better spread the opposite of your filthy opinions." He pulled me out of the cafe, leaving money in the counter. He walked us around the corner and pulled me into his embrace.

"Don't cry." He mumbled into my hair, holding me to him, "They're jealous and know no other way to make me seem tangible to them, but you're nothing like what they say. You're beautiful, you're funny and you're smart and kind." I looked up at him and he brushed a tear from my cheek, his hands soft, "But I won't let anyone speak about my beautiful Y/N like that. And you can't let yourself believe it, okay?" I nodded and he kissed between my eyebrows before smiling at me, "Now, I have a surprise for you and it is very important. I wanted to give them to you in the cafe but I want you to feel as beautiful as I see you and they made you feel otherwise." He let me go and fumbled around in his pocket for a moment before finding what he was looking for, he held up his hand and I noticed a silver band around his finger. I looked at him, confused. He took my hand and opened his other one to reveal a smaller silver band, gently rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb. He looked me in the eye as he slipped it onto my finger, "I know we haven't known each other for a long period of time, but I have never felt as free as I do when I am with you. I feel as untouchable as when I'm skating, being with you feels like I cannot be stopped. I love you and I got this ring as a promise to you, I will protect you from harm, hold you at every possible moment, ensure you feel loved and safe, until one day I can put another ring on your finger."

It took a moment for it to register, he held my hand until I realised. "P-promise rings?" I looked at our hands, he nodded, "Oh Yuri..." I was in shock, I had no idea he felt as amazing as I did when we were together, I had no idea he loved me so much, I had no idea that he could be so romantic. I looked up at him, he looked worried, I kissed him gently and hugged him, "I love it Yuri. I love you." He laughed, relieved.
"For a moment, I thought you were going to take it off and walk away. Now I see it was just a shock, a good one I hope." I nodded before letting him go, he switched his phone on and I raised my eyebrow.
"I knew you wouldn't last five minutes without your phone, it's like you need it to survive."
"Nah, only you." He held it up and pulled me into him, his arm over my shoulders and ring hand holding mine, he kissed my head as I smiled as he took the photo. I watched as he captioned it with a huge grin: A beautiful day with a beautiful girl. Thank you for being mine, I promise to get those stars for you, Y/N. This once heartless skater was actually the single most caring, loving person I'd ever met. And I adored him.

Agapé and Éros - Yuri Plisetsky X Reader Where stories live. Discover now