the background

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Maria POV

Once I felt the dart I knew I didn't like these people.


When I woke up in was in what looked like a cell but I couldn't really tell. All the cells I've been in have just been concrete with bars at the front. This one was nicer, it had a cot something so comfortable I wasn't used to it, walls that had this honey cone pattern, and an actual door. I was taken out of my train of thought when the girl and boy, natasha introduced as Wanda and Pietro, walked in. I curl up into the corner a bit. All this reminds me of those years. I get that thought out of my head imeadetly, I don't want to zone out in front of them. I may have seemed chatty back at the Oprah house but really after what I've been through i  hate talking. Just doing brings back the memories of getting punished. Wanda and Pietro see how uneasy I am so they sit down and Wanda talks to me quietly "I'm guessing you remember our names so let's start. You have nothing to fear let me tell you that first." She was trying to get in my brain is could tell that. "You have powers too don't you. Your trying to get in my head but it won't work." She sighs and Pietro says "yes, I can run really fast and she has a really good brain. We were both experimented on by a group called hydra," I physical wince at that name,"you were experimented on too, the way you wince at the name." I look down not wanting to show weakness, just in case they work for hydra. They look at each other and Wanda says "it's ok, we volunteered for it, did you?" I look up at them crazy. I uncurl a bit and say, nearly audibel "they took me from, what I like to call, my family... I was 14 and they heald me there until I was 17." The last part was so quiet that I don't know if they even heard from me. Wanda gives me a once over than asks "even with you being a dancer, you can't eat more than once a week because that's how often they would feed you. That and you can barely afford one meal a week because your living on the streets when your not sleeping at your dressing room." I was just shell shocked. How did she know all those things? I'm able to keep the fact that I'm homeless pretty discreet. "How did you know?" I was completely opening up now, I was still being cautious about what I say but other than that they semi-got me. "We were homeless for a wile too, after our parents died. we could both see the signs. " I like them. "I'm hungry we'll be back in a few with food." And so they head out.

Petrov POV

As we shut the door me and Wanda both have shocked looks on our faces. The others see it too. Vision asks "What is wrong? Is it the girl?" Wanda just blinks a few times before she says "14, hydra took her when she was only a teen and she didn't get out until she was 17!" Wanda whisper shouts. She stars tearing up so I hold onto her trying to comfort her. The room goes quite and tony just stands up. All eyes go to him as he leaves the room off towards Maria's room. He dosent go into her room though, he goes into the onlookers room. You can see Maria through this wall . He goes up to the computer and says "I'm looking through the files we do have of hydra for anything that could remotely reference her." "Count us in." Says about all the team. Me and my sister go back get some food and bring it in to Maria. Once she sees the cheese and crackers her face lights up we all eat in the middle of the room as we get to know each other even better. Once all the cheese is gone I ask her

"so, just out of curiosity, what are your powers?"

"Trick question, the ones hydra gave me or found out I had?"


"Well I got water powers from the experiments and the ones I found out I have, we'll I don't talk about those and rarely ever use them."

Wow she had a rough child hood if she also had to hide powers.

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