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Maria pov

He still wasn't back and I was going to take that to my advantage. Snap! I break my wrist and here him coming. I hurry up, ignoring the pain, and rub my charm. He finally got in the cell and then it was lights out.

Nico pov

We just arrived at the base when I could feel my charm/ring get hotter meaning it was glowing. I touched it and I could see through her eyes.

I could feel the pain in my wrist. She must have broken it and be in chains for they were also cold. The room was chilly and I could here foot steps coming, loudly. With foot steps came a feeling of panic.

The door slammed open With a bust and then I was hit in the head and lost the connection.

I stepped back from the flash and every one was looking at me weirdly.

"She's underground," I say, "we both have charms that able us to communicate with eachother in distress if we rub them. The man knocked her out when he saw that she got to get charm."

{《Time skip》}

Maria pov

I was starting getting tired of being knocked out but at least I contacted nico.

Once I could see clearly I saw that man. Luke,luck, evil seal, I forget.

"Your one interesting spawn. Your parents powers mixed with those given to you make quite the combination.... I do not know what that bangle does and the worth of it to break your wrist. What so ever, it doesn't matter your being moved to a cell where we can see you more. It's just across the hall though. So no need for worry." He said with a sinister look.

2 men came in and took me by the arms and draged me to the room across the hall. At least he wasn't one to lie. I got the chains removed and I could finally look at my wrist I and I realized just how bad it is.

I assessed my room there was a camera in each corner. It was all concreat and no window unlike the last room. I wouldn't be able to contact nico for a while because the charm needs to recharge.

There was one way that I could send signs though.

Nico pov

We were looking at a map now in full swing. We all wanted to find her at this point. One of the many devices, that nat assured us were demi prof, beeped very loudly.

"Wow, the barometric pressure just dropped by 105 in seconds over a city block in Manhattan." Said Toney

All the demigods looked at eachother and we were all headed toward the jet getting ready for a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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