she's gone

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Nico POV

When I woke up Maria was gone. With as many enemies she has times she has been taken you can see that I was scared. What if someone took her and got feed up with her getting there way so they kill her!

I jump out of bed and look around our apartment. No sign of her. Wait is that a note. On the counter top there was a letter on it it said:

I have your precious girl, you'll never see her again as long as I have a say in it!


Who in hades is loki! I thought we only had the rent problem, but no the fates hate us that much! Next time I see them... I'm gonna have the others come in on this. There going to be so mad at me but if I get her back then it's worth it.

I pull out a drachma and turn on the shower. "O' fleasy do me a solid, the seven, camp half blood. " they all appear a few seconds later.

"hay, death breath Where are you?" Asks percy.

"Uh, at my apartment, but I need your help!"

"You have an apartment? Where? Why didn't you tell us? What's the problem?" Annabeth asks just as fast

"Yes, I have an apartment, I share it with my girlfriend. It's in new York but it's a dump and we're getting kicked out pretty soon. I didn't tell you guys because, well that's complicated and  I don't have time to explain because my girlfriend's been taken by someone called loki!"

They all look shell shocked and confused. "So you're girlfriend, that you never told us about, has been taken by the guy who tried to take over new York a few years ago?" Says annabeth.

I simply nod my head, knowing my voice would just betray me. "If this is true we got to inform the avengers about loki, and get there help getting your girlfriend back.. I know a few people in the avengers I can contact. Meat us at camp in a few." I sigh thankful that pipers dad is famous, and making her go see people with him.

I put my hand through the mist ending the call, as I head over to camp half blood.

☆☆¤☆ mean while ☆¤☆☆

Clint POV

We were all still looking over the hydra files for Maria when my phone started ringing. Everyone looks up at me while I check the caller ID.  It was piper McLean. I gave her my number last time we saw each other, and I found out that she was the daughter of aphrodity. After Maria left nat and I explained the whole demigod thing. (I'm a son of Apollo )

"Hey, pipes, what's going on. You never call me."

"My friends girlfriend just got kidnapped by loki!"


"Uh, ya, I really need yours and the rest of the avengers help on this."

"Definitely, I can drive a jet to pick you up at camp half blood in 30, see ya then."

I run out back to the living room where everyone else was to find them all gone. I go down the hallway to see them walking with thor. Once he sees me he says "loki has escaped and signs have shown he is here on earth. "

"Ya, I know my friends, friend's girlfriend just got kidnapped by him. I said we'd help her out. I'm going to camp half blood to pick her and her friends up."

"What would my brother want with a Mears mor- did you say camp half blood as in the spawn's of Greek gods, camp?"

"Ya, son of Apollo. "

"I will come with."

"Count the rest of us in too. We'd be able to start looking faster than waiting for you to get back with them." Says the cap. And with that we all head into the quin jet.

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