the escape

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Steve's POV

It was the next day and we were going to do an assessment of her powers.

"I'll go get her" says petrov.

A few minutes latter Maria is standing in front of us. She looked unhealthyly skinny. I knew from the twins that she didn't eat much. The sleeves on her top were long enough that they covered her hands. Once she saw tony she just looked down. Tony didn't look at her etheir.

"So, we just want to see what your capable of with your powers." Bruce says breaking the science.

"Is there snow outside, I can start with that." She asks shyly.

We lead her outside to the snowy ground. She was last to come out. Maria takes a big breath and release it. She stands in front of everyone and starts explaining.

"We all know that snow is made up of water. I can manipulate water thus I can manipulate snow. I can use the water in the snow to move me to other places with snow, like this." And we realized what she was gonna do to little to late. She fell back into the snow with her arms out and feet together. We looked around us and she was gone.

<《 mean while  》>

Maria POV

I can't believe they fell for that! I'm not complaining but I'm free!! I did like the twins but I don't need the government to know about demigods.

I was currently in the ally way next to my boyfriend and I's Apartment. The place was trash but it's what we could afford. That show in Indiana was a one time deal. I even came back every other weekend so I could see nico. ( don't care that nico is gay. In my story he's happy and cute looking with Maria ).

I went to both camps, I even was at one or the other at all times. Well, I used to. I go captured during the 2nd Titan war. I was there for a month and nether camps came looking for me. The base I was at controlled wich monsters went where. They tortured me and so in return I blew up there base august 17th. I patched myself up, and never told anyone about it. The base had about 60,000 monsters and people ignored me at Camp Jupiter because I didn't fight with them. At least they think I didn't fight with them. Camp half blood didn't even see that I was gone.

At CHB  no one ever really saw me. I was the girl that never got claimed when in reality I got claimed when I got centorian at cj the day I showed up.

I get out of my head and walk up to my apartment. It was basically one medium sized, L shaped, room. The bed was in the farthest from the door and in the corner of the L was the common area as I dosent really count as a living room. Lastly was the kitchen where we mainly hangout.  That's where we hang out and talk about our life. Where nico cooks his amazing foods and where we eat.

I crash on the couch for a while until I'm woken up by the smell of cooking food. See we couldn't afford to go out to eat so we became good cooks, well... mainly nico, I burn everything. I moan, still exhausted from snow travling, and signifying that I am still alive. I can here nico chuckle from the kitchen.

I open my eyes to see him over me smiling. "I was out getting groceries when you came in. I was getting worried when you didn't come home yesterday."
I sit up as he heads back to the kitchen.  "Ya, the avengers pretty much kidnapped me from my show in Indiana. I wasn't in any real danger though or I would have sound the alarm. "

You see I have a charm on my bracelet and he has his ring that we can contact each other with. The eyes on his skull ring light up when I'm calling and my bone charm glows silver, like the rest of my charms do, when I'm getting a call from him.

The rest of the night we catch up wile he cooks. That night though wasn't Pleasant. I don't know when they took me I just know that when I woke up in was in a tank top, that I don't remember putting on, and was chained to the wall. The worst part was that they obviously knew about my bracelet because I couldn't get to it. I was captured and I had no way for someone to find me.

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