Team Skull

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In the Alola region, a group of ruffians known as Team Skull causes a lot of trouble. They steal other people's Pokémon, mess up the trial sites, and delight in all kinds of evil deeds.

Team Skull Boss Guzma

Guzma is the boss of Team Skull who holds these ruffians together. Guzma pours on the attacks, battling without mercy. He certainly does seem strong, but he claims to be one of those who "never could become captains." He seems to have a bone to pick with Professor Kukui, as well.

Team Skull Admin Plumeria

Plumeria is considered the big sister of Team Skull. She's a tough lady who keeps Team Skull in line and working together—in the same way a strict older sister would. She seems to care for the Grunts who are below her in the pecking order, and she's not one to let it go if someone's given them a walloping.


This young man lends his strength to Team Skull as an enforcer. He places a high value on being strong in Pokémon battles. His partner Pokémon is the mysterious Type: Null.

Team Skull Grunts

Both male and female Team Skull Grunts wear matching black Skull Tanks. And these uniforms aren't even provided for them—all Grunts have to buy their own! has 15 reasons 'Why Team Skull is already the best Pokemon gang ever.'

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