Gladion x Reader - Like I Did Before

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I gently stroked your flushed cheek as we lay facing each other in the soft earth of the secret meadow that would be our hideaway from the rest of the world. This would be our comforting and serene escape when we needed to be alone together.

The wildflowers were a cacophony of color on the fading green; purple thistles, blue cornflowers, red poppies and tall asters with their yellow centres. There was no coordination like the displays in the nearby town, just a free-for-all choreographed by the wind.

I brushed your bangs to the side of your face. I liked how the thick, lush grass brought out the soft color of your sparkling emerald eyes, full of the innocence of the world.

You looked back at me with a surprised looked, shades of pink taking over your usually pale skin tone. "(Y-Y/N)! That tickles!"

I giggled. "You're just too cute." I gave Gladion a warm smile.

"Gosh, (Y/N)! You give me goosebumps!"

"Hehe. You're such a kid."

Every moment we spent together when we had the chance I cherished. I've been taken with you from the moment I met you and those feelings only grew the more time I spent getting to know you.

I smile at the thought of how shy and uncomfortable you were back then. Time may have changed you but you are still mine. If we just close our eyes, I still see us back together at that meadow as if nothing changed at all.

My family sponsored the work and research of the Aether Foundation so it wasn't a surprise when our families eventually introduced us to each other. We were inseparable because of the business our family did together. 

We only started to become distant around the time when your father, Mohn, disappeared. I wanted so much to see you smile and be happy again. All you would do was sulk and you only ever wanted to be alone. Why couldn't you see I just wanted to help you? I desperately wanted you to know that I'd unconditionally remain by your side. I wanted you to confide in me like you always would. You didn't have to go through all that alone.

Although you and Lillie were having a rough time dealing with the loss, it seemed like your mother had the worse end of the stick.

Lusamine completely cut ties my family and just seemed to have dropped off of the face of the earth. No one had heard anything from her since then until recently. It seems like she's doing better now but it still hurt.

The fact that had you just left without saying anything. Knowing the mental state of your mother at the time, she must've been outraged for you to have run off with that experiment Pokemon of hers. I'm sure you must've known what you were doing. Still, news of you having run away from home shocked me and you had me terribly worried.

It doesn't really matter now, though. This ordeal has come to an end and I'm sure you're safe somewhere. I've heard rumors that you became Team Skull's "enforcer" in the time that you've been gone. Even if you did, all I could do was trust in your decision that you knew you were doing what you believed was right... It's all I could ever do.

A few years have passed since we've last seen each other and I can only hope that we can see each other again.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Gladion?"

"If we ever become separated, let's meet up here."

"Huh? What are you going on about?"

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