Gladion x Female Reader - Burning Oblivion

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Narrating Gladion's P.O.V.

This was just another day for Gladion revisiting the Battle Royal Dome in Akala Island located on Royal Avenue in an attempt to 'relieve' himself of his angst.

It was usual for Gladion to come here when his spirits were low. The battles here were a source of release for his pent up frustration. It was a way to burrow his sorrow in the crowd.

He walked in through the brightly lit entrance in anticipation for his next match. He was met with a bigger crowd of people than usual standing around waiting for the start of a match. The great number of people startled him, which he found to be annoying.

He ignored the strange glances he received as he made his way through groups of gathered people in order to get to the front counter.

"I'll be registering for the next upcoming match,"Gladion stated.

The brunettes that stood behind the counter glanced at each other and they looked at him with surprised expressions. "A-are you positive you want to make that decision, sir?"

Gladion raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why wouldn't I be and why would you care?"

The brunette he was currently facing gave him a weak smile. "I have a feeling that you are unaware of the current situation and I feel the need to inform you that today, things are going to be a little different than usual."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why don't you take a look around?" She suggested.

Gladion narrowed his eyes at her before turning to take in his surroundings. Posters and banners featuring a person clad in Incineroar-like garment hung off the walls and sides of the staircases that lead to the spectating seats on the upper level.

On the monitors that hung overhead the counter flashed scarlet and gold. Sliding across the screen were words accompanied by a flaming effect. In a loud booming voice, an announcer pronounced the words every time they showed up on the screens.

"Burning Oblivion!"

"Burning Oblivion, an Intermediate Trainer, will be holding special matches here with us today. Ever since Burning Oblivion beat the Masked Royal on a one-on-one match, he reigned supreme in this battling industry." The brunette explained.

"No one can hold a candle to, Burning Oblivion." Another brunette chimed in. "So far, he remains undefeated and always challenged. Burning Oblivion is one to be both feared and respected."

"To be honest, it is quite unusual for Burning Oblivion to request this match. It seems like an attempt to give up his title." A brunette commented. "We were asked to hold this event and to allow all Trainers of all classes and levels to take on Burning Oblivion. No holding back."

Gladion turned to observe the crowd of brightly dressed people around the area. Replaying back the people he had passed by on Royal Avenue, they were dressed in scarlet and gold standing around outside by the entryway of the Dome. He was surprised he could remember anyone he passes by anywhere. But then again, they stood out more than everyone else.

This Burning Oblivion seems to be a pretty big deal. He doesn't come here too often to the point where he would have heard of this sudden uprising champ but this is practically his second home. He won't let anyone steal the title he rightfully deserves.

"Would you like to reconsider your request, sir?" The brunette questioned. "Or are you intent on becoming another contestant?"


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