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i remember the first day i met you as if it was yesterday.

the sky was a mix of milky white clouds and slightly salmon undertones. afternoon rays of light illuminating the cracked sidewalks outside, as busy people flocked the streets, with arrays of different coloured umbrellas and raincoats, hurrying to their destinations. the drizzle of rain had stopped only mere minutes before, yet still, drops of water slid down the foggy, window pane that sat adjacent to me.

to say the day with beautiful was an understatement. it was appealing to me in every shape and form, appearing artistic in many ways.

gazing constantly at the people outside, i lavishly indulged in their lives.

people watching had always been one of my most favourite things. admiring beautiful men and women alike tend to their daily tasks, always stood out to me for some reason. it was like i was part of their world, not the tedious world that i had once lived through.

do you remember me telling you that?

my peppermint tea, still too hot, was rested between my fingers, warming them due to the forgotten mittens that lay on the countertop of my apartment.

the continuous ding of the entrance bell chimed every one to two minutes, breaking the slight silence that coated the area of the cafe. even with the different conversations being heard from different groups of people- families, teenagers, and the oh so many couples- a numb aura hummed around the place. relaxing and calming. everything and everyone revolving continuously in their daily circles.

that day, and for the rest my life, prior to us meeting, my life remained undisturbed, close to isolation. a life in which some would call bland or plain, but to me, was everything.

yet, when you entered, that everything and that everyone, just seemed to stop and stare, including me. everything that had just been continuously spinning stopped and the world became slow motion to everybody.

but i mean who could blame them, look at you.

despite your monotonous grey clothes that dawned your skin that day, you gave off an aura of light. your pale skin matched with the clouds that sat outside, and your pink-tinted smile gave everyone that you looked at chills.

i had never before in my life seen someone so beautiful.

i remember i had felt flushed when your dark eyes glazed over mine, meeting across the shop. it felt like you had interrogated my every motive in life, just by that simple glance. with your smile only growing bigger, lightly chuckling, you made your way over to me.

i never knew why, nor did you ever tell me, why you came over to me that day. you always said it was 'fate', whereas, i always looked for a deeper reason, yet to no prevail even all these years later.

with my head pushed down, gazing at my lap, you sat across from me, staring. a lopsided smile spread across your face, the corners of your soft lips curved up, smile lines accentuating your always handsome features.

although i refused to meet your eyes, you, of course, found a way for me to change that.

"no need to be shy, i just wanted to come over and say hi. my name is min yoongi, and i'd love to get to know you better,"

at that point i had looked up, and then it had dawned on me, as you gazed at me with those welcoming eyes, your happy smile trying to coax me in.

i knew, i was going to fall in love with this boy.

the boy with the fluffy, mint hair.

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