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skies appear to me as an endless canvas that colors are tossed upon. some days, it appears pure, untouched, a continuous stretch of deep blue, uninterrupted and seamless. others, it materializes into splashes of bright pinks and oranges, loading on top of each other contrasting with the arrays of white clouds. when it storms, the strident illumination of lightning strikes diverge from the gathering of grey clouds, angrily pushing together in some sort of fiery dance. yet, when night falls, the moon glows, giving the stars a guiding light, as a mother would do for a child.  

we used to love admiring the skies together.

i can clearly remember countless days where we would drop everything we were doing, if it be in the morning, afternoon or even sometimes in pitch-black darkness, hop in your car and drive to some secluded cliff face, overseeing lakes, maybe sometimes the city, or even just a lengthy stretches of mountainous terrain.

but it didn't matter, because i was with you, and you were with me. together in each others company we were connected spiritually, emotionally and physically.

we were just practically inseparable.

my favorite time had to have been when you took me to oversee the woodland, just on the outskirts of town.

it had been raining earlier that morning, specks of light rain drops still sitting placidly on the windows of your car, refusing to fly off even that the speed we were going.

i didn't seem too impressed with going, this being because the sky appeared only a boring, dull grey, no luminescence of color in sight. i never used to appreciate the wearisome colors, despite my tedious upbringing, yet you loved it.

halting, with a quick stop of the brake, we had reached the greenwood.

hoping out of the car, we both move to sit on the hood of your car, shoulders touching, yet, no affectionate mannerisms as of now.

parking so close to the cliff face, looking over the front of the hood was unsettling, slightly disturbing, but, i felt safe being next to you.

the sky, at that moment was a somber grey, the thick fog from the recent rain cloaked the top of the frigid trees below us. branches, sprouting with leaves, protruded themselves from underneath the white mist, as if wanting to be acknowledged by the sky or coaxing it to show some color.

and that it did.

in less than five minutes of being there, a slight crack in the sky showed undertones of tossed salmon and lively pinks, purples and oranges. the clouds around it soothing the brightness with charcoal swirls.

not many words can describe the breathtaking moment that we both sat in, as slowly, over the course of a few minutes, the sky continuously opened itself up, exposing more and more of its colored flesh.

nevertheless, of the wondrous sky that was pictured above us, i couldn't stop my eyes from flickering down to your lips.

plump and pink.

you noticed me staring, yet i couldn't force my eyes to look away, and subconsciously, your face grew closer to mine as well.

inching closer and closer, until both of our lips touched.

chastely, we didn't move our hands, these staying stuck to our sides, only our lips moving softly in sync together.

you tasted like peaches and cream.

never growing more aggressive nor more heated and passionate, it remained sinless and impeccable.

we were pure, and innocent, just like the sky, in that moment.

pulling away after a few seconds, we gazed into each others eyes. your immeasurably dark eyes gleamed with happiness, yet a smile didn't reach your lips.

perfect skies, and salmon lips, moments shared with you, the mint-haired boy, will always be my favorite.

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