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you stood outside my front door, decked in a black blazer and a white undershirt, looking as handsome as ever.

i glazed my ravenous eyes over your body, taking in every perfect aspect of your being.

i loved when you dressed like this. you looked so manly, so strong, so indestructible.

nothing, and i mean nothing, could ruin this moment between you in me.

hungry eyes and pink lips.

you ushered me to your little car, you had at that time. opening my door for me, and holding my hand as i went through the door, sent butterflies to my stomach, my head dizzying from the slight touch that we shared. as you shut the door, with a slick click, you walked briskly to the driver's side, and hopped in yourself.

turning on the engine, and then backing out of the driveway, we were then off to the mysterious destination.

some unknown pop song was playing over the radio, the delicate voices drowning out the once intoxicating silence that coated the aura around us.

small talk was placed here and there, topics of family, work and hobbies were the main subjects that were spoken.

at this time, you were just working in a retail store on the other side of town, you hadn't heard from your mum in a while and you really appreciated art and all it's pleasantries.

much different to what it is now.

wouldn't you agree?

from what i remember, the drive only took around ten minutes till we had reached your surprise destination.

"now, before you get out the car, i just wanna say, this isn't the most original idea for a first date, it's really cliche and boring, and i can understand if after this you don't want to speak to me because it is so unoriginal. i'm just not used to this, because it's not everyday that a mesmerizing girl, like yourself comes along and actually agrees to go on a date with me," you spoke this all frantically, not pausing to breathe. as you were speaking, you never looked in my eyes, embarrassment clouding your features, until i placed my arm, softly, on your bicep.

"yoongi, it's going to be perfect, i can feel it," the smile that was plastered on my features, mirrored it's way onto your face as well.

your eye smile was beautiful.

it still remains my favorite thing about you.

with a shaky breath, you made your way out of the car, opening both mine and your own doors. stepping out into the subdued winds of late-night autumn, you stood by my side, closely.

your hand, slowly made it's way down to mine, connecting them, warming both my skin, and my heart.

looking up at the sign, of the place we stood in front of, the neon sign showed the name of some restaurant that sold 'the best meat in all of seoul'.

"it really is the best, i promise you that," you spoke, with now a sudden affirmative notion. looking down at me, you gave me a quick smile before we both headed inside.

getting quickly seated, in a not so loud area, we looked towards the menus.

once decided what we both wanted, we put our menus down and waited for a waitress to come and take our order.

but i just couldn't stop staring at you.

you stood out like such contrast against the pink flowers that sat on our table.

most people would of been disgusted by the uncanny misalignment you caused, ruining the pastel aesthetic that most people adore.

but to me...

my aesthetic, is boys with mint hair who dress dis-accordingly to the pastel pink setting that hums around them like constant murmurs, with their unilluminated choice of clothing.

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