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"i'm going to make this short and sweet, okay? just bear with me, alright baby?

"i know we have only, really, been seeing each other for just over two months now, and I haven't really asked you to be my girlfriend, but i just have something i want to say to you first.

"you, my lovely lady, have changed my life, for the better and for the worse. it is obvious why you have made my life better, you just make me a better me, wholeheartedly fulfilling that once gaping hole that existed inside my being.

"but, for the worse is complete different story. you have made me a bad person. a bad, dirty person. every time i am in your presence, all i can think of is you and me together doing things my mother would kill me for. things so untouched upon that i can't even think of the words to describe it, without sounding like a horrible person

"you want me to tell you? just nod or shake your head,"

stiffly my head raised, and almost as soon as it is up, was then brought back down again.

"okay then,"

a deep breath in was enough for you to send shivers down my spine.

"imagine us, sitting, just as we are now, watching a movie. nothing sexual happening, except my arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to me. you gaze up at me, with those beautiful, big eyes of yours, eyelashes fluttering like soft butterfly wings in the wind, coaxing me in with the beautiful swirls of baby blues. i honestly wouldn't be able to control myself.

"i would feel myself trembling in my pants and before i would know it, my ravenous instincts would take over me, and you would be shuffled to straddle my lap,"

you stopped for a second, considering if you shouldn't go on, but with a slight nod of my head, you continue.

"my arms would find your waist, your hands in my hair, pulling and grasping, as muffled noises escape both of our lips. they would quickly be connected, pushing against each other with almighty force, your lips like a sweet would make me greedy and hungry for more.

"pulling away, my lips would attack your jaw, engulfing the skin between my mouth, creating small, bruise-like marks. this would be my way of marking my territory,"

your words seemed so foreign, yet so inducing.

"moans would escape your lips, your eyes closing back in pleasure. your head would be rolled back, your hands, still in my hair, would pull harder than before. and all i would be able to do would be smile, because, if just one small, little thing could send you into a puddle of ecstasy right in my palms, imagine what would occur if i was to maybe up the playing field a bit,"

you shocked me, by smirking at me. the right corner of your lip, curling up, creating such a sinister yet so, so arousing persona, was enough to make me melt right then and there.

"i would continue this lovely story," you started, the smirk not leaving your face, keeping complete, direct eye contact with me, "but, i wouldn't want us to get too out of hand before we actually begin dating,"

standing up, you moved the cushion that sat next to you and pulled out a turquoise blue, velvet box, white ribbon flowing delicately down the sides.

opening it, came to reveal a gorgeous necklace, that resembled a small key, encrusted completely in shiny gold.

"would you do me the honor, of becoming my girlfriend?"

without even replying with an answer, i sprung up and latched myself onto you. wrapping my arms around your neck, i placed my lips on yours, savoring your taste and relishing in the moment. slowly, your arms found my waist, and pulled me even closer to you, basking in each others warmth in the cold, autumn night.

pulling away, a stern look now sat on your face.

"you hold the key now, and this key doesn't just mean you hold the key to my heart, whenever you are ready, you come to me and say these three words, 'i am ready'. and then, and only then, will the time be right,"

today, as i jingle that key around in my palm, admiring the still golden touch to the charm, which still hasn't begun to rust all this time later, i honestly wished, i had waited for a little bit longer for you, the mint-haired boy, to take away the only innocence i had left.

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