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only a couple of days had past before you had asked me about a second date.

and after the succession of our first date, of course i wasn't going to deject this opportunity to spend more time with you.

however, this time, you had told me where it was we were going, through my begging and pleading for you to tell me.

it was an ice-cream palour.

wearing, simply, a sweater, leggings and plain, white sneakers, i started to make my way over to the palour, my headphones in both of my ears, blasting out the hustle and bustle that was going on around me.

being stuck with myself for the next ten minutes, during the walk, my mind drifted to us as a couple. images of us going on adventures together, making memories and just enjoying each others company flashed through my mind, making my cheeks blush and insides knot.

you hadn't kissed me at that point, and i honestly didn't mind. i adored you when you were shy around me. absolutely adored it.

you stood outside, leaning against an ageing lamp post, looking effortlessly beautiful once again. you were clothed in a plain white tee, ripped skinny jeans and black sneakers, your hair tussled messily under a blue benie.

simple, yet so, so elegant.

noticing me, your smile grew out of it's straight line, crinkling your eyes up in glee.

pushing yourself off the post, you quickly made your way to me. opening up your arms, i entered your warm embrace, wrapping my arms around your torso, mushing us together. placing my head, securely, on your chest, while yours on top of my head, i felt safe. completely and utterly safe in your arms.

pulling away after a few seconds, you moved your hand from my shoulder down to my unclothed hand, interlocking them together.

"you look beautiful," you said while looking down at me, a soft smile on your features, making pigmented blush caress my pale cheeks.

snapping out of our love struck gaze, we made our way inside, selecting a booth right beside a window, that gazed out over a park that was layered thickly with the leaves of falling autumn. bursts of different shades of oranges glazed the plateau.

sitting across from each other, small talk began it's way into the conversation as we waited for our waitress to bring over our chosen ice-creams.

i still had so much to learn about you, but at that time, i thought i knew everything. every little secret, every little mishap, every little euphoric moment that occurred in your life. only in the short span of a few days, i thought i knew practically everything about you.

some people may say that's love. but, all i can say, is that it was me being naive that something so poetic, like love, could happen in such an inconsiderable point in our lives.

after a few more minutes, with slight chatter here and there, our ice-cream comes, placed in front of us, in cones on a standee. we start eating at an instantaneous speed.

we both dabbled delightfully in our green tea ice-cream.

gradually getting through my first, of three, scoops, you, being the mischievous, little shit that you are, grabbed a small amount of ice-cream on your finger, lent over and rubbed it straight down the middle of my forehead to the tip of my nose.

appalled by the icy, coldness on my skin, i widened my eyes and stared at you directly. with my mouth agape, a slight huff escapes my chapped lips.

but all you could do was laugh.

your eyes crinkling, and your smile covering all of the bottom half of your face, producing the most beautiful sound i had ever heard.

it was the first time i heard you laugh, properly. it was soul-warming.

this boy, with his mint coloured hair, conducted the most heavenly sound from his tinted lips, all because of him covering me in green ice-cream.

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