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water moved softly around my outstreched fingers, as i carressed it, enjoying the sensation of running my fingers through slowly warming water.

leisurely pulling it out of the water, i watched the droplets drip from my fingers, transparent and opaque at the same time. they fall downwards, getting snatched down by gravity to the basin below, each hollowing out, swiftly haloed by ever growing rings, distorting the once calm plateau of warm bath water.

my hand had remained the only warm part of my body, the rest shivering from the cool air of early twilight, as i sat naked on the floor, with just my hand touching top of the water. my bare body, was being shrouded by the grips of chilling winds.

as a way to get my body out of the icy torment it was facing, i had hoisted myself into the water that filled the basin, quickly getting enveloped in the warmth that comsumed the tub. i felt serene.

sinking myself down to eye level, i remember gazing at nothing in particular, except the yellow,rubber duck that sat adjacent to me in the water, into the unknowingness that sat before me in my mind.

all i could think of was you.

you had, simply, made everything better. my life, my values, myself. you taught me how to respect myself and not let just anyone or anything try to take over my mind, with petty lies and sad excuses.

i still do treasure that.

even after what happened between us.

you sound a knock on the bathroom door, that goes unheard of by me, i was too in depth in the water and thinking of all the good things you had done by me.

the knock sounds out again.

yet no response.

so what did you do?

you open the door, and much to my disgrace you had interrupted on my silent reflective time.

looking up at your eyes, as you looked down at me, i quickly push myself into the side of the tub away from you, my back facing you.

you didn't say anything.

nothing at all.

but you made your way towards me, and sat on the other side of the tub. your hand reaches out, placing it so delicately on the right side of my neck.

your hands were warmer than the water.

subconsciously, as if on a reflex, i nuzzle my cheek into the back of your hand, my face heating up from both the warmth of your hands, but also the clear embarrassment i then sat in.

you moved your hand away, leaving the cold air to attack my skin like tiny bugs attacking raw material, yet I didn't want to turn around to face you.

hearing a few ruffles of clothing, and footsteps, i grow intrigued.

as I was about to turn around, you once again place hands on my shoulders, but this time you were pivoting me forward.

without saying any words between each other, you slightly push me forward so i am curled up, my knees pointing just out of the surface of the water.

now confused with what you are doing, i go to turn around, but feel the placement of your body behind me.

staying stuck to where I was sitting, i crack my head forward, facing the duck again, not moving any closer.

but, you obviously didn't want that.

with your hands, still placed on my shoulders, you usher me back, my back now resting on your chest.

your hands moved down my arms, to my hands, where you intertwined them, placing them to wrap around my chest.

quick, sharp breathes escape me, sheer shock coating me.

you nuzzle your chin into my neck, playfully tickling me.

your eyes gazed my figure, racking up and down my body, hungrily, daring to make a move.

but, instead, you breathe a long, shallow breath in and whisper, softly, in my ear, "gosh, you are beautiful,".

and, while a yellow rubber duck, gazed at us, probably out of pure disgust, all I could think was, 'why do you do this to me you mint haired boy'.

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