Family Dinner

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Knock! Knock! Knock!


Knock! Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock! Knock!


Before you can knock again, Tom swings the door open, scowling at you. "What's with all the excitement?"

You gather your thoughts while catching your breath. "We have a BIG problem."

"We?" Tom invites you inside. Instead of sitting on the couch with him, you quickly pace back and forth in a line in front of him.                                                              
"It's my turn to host a family dinner. And I may or may not have stretched the truth. I know we don't know each other that well and we only talk when you want me to water your plants but I really need a favor. My mom asked if I was bringing anyone special to dinner and since I'm a parent pleaser I told her yes. It just so happens that I told her I was with my neighbor. So please come to my family dinner?"

"Um," Tom taps his fingers uncomfortably. "Wow."

"Before you say no, just think about all the food I have to make and all the leftovers you can take home when this is all over."

"Can I sleep on it?" Tom questions.        
You sigh. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's totally fine. I have the day off tomorrow so I can cook. If you're answer's yes, be at my house by noon. If not, I'll figure something else out. Goodnight."

"It's 4:30."
"It's never too early to go to bed."     


12:14 PM

You rush from your kitchen to your front door and open the door to see Tom with a smile on his face.

"See that," he smirks. "Normal people wait patiently at the door before the resident let's them in."
"You're late," you ignore him. "But I'm glad you showed up. I owe you big time."
Tom's expression changes from conceited to concerned as his head motions upward and his nostrils flare. "Is something burning?"

Your eyes widen before you sprint back to the kitchen. "I would love to chat with you, but as you can see, I have my hands full."
"Do you want some help?"

"That would be great. Do you see those overly sized strawberries? I need you to cut them into roses."
"I'm an actor, not a professional chef."

"Don't worry," you reassure him. "Turn on my tablet. The step by step process should be the first thing you see from Pinterest."

"That's fascinating," Tom gawks at the screen. "You trust me with this?"

"Yep," you reply quickly, eyes focused on your current project.

"So," Tom makes small talk, "how many people are we expecting?"



"Yup. Mom, Dad, brother and his pregnant wife, sister, grandma, then grandma and grandpa."

"Oh my."

"Indeed. Speaking of, I need you to convince them that we actually are dating. We should probably tell each other our likes, dislikes, pet peeves; just regular things to expect from a significant other."

Tom sighs in distress. "This is. . . . more complex than I thought."

"Yeah," you sigh in return. "I'll go first if it'll make you feel better."


"-I think that's it," Tom finishes his list nearly three hours later while you two set the table.

All the food was ready, Tom's strawberry roses turned out beautiful, and your family was expected any minute. Tom actually turned out to be an interesting person. You knew he was a famous actor with multiple talents who always has to travel frequently but you never dove deep into his personal life. Being a 'fangirl' wasn't your sort of thing but it got you thinking: are your sisters going to freak out when they see him? You're used to seeing him since you live so close but you never considered how people outside the neighborhood treat him.


Tom stands behind you and smiles. "Ready?"

You nod, still trying to collect your thoughts. "Let's do this."


Part 2 coming soon (:
Happy Reading! xx

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