My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)

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After about ten minutes of me softly crying into Pan's shoulder and him hugging me while slightly rocking back and forth he brought me back to bed.

I laid on my side listening to Pan's breaths get quieter and quieter until he fell asleep. I slowly got out of bed. My feet touching the ground without a sound (HA that rhymed) as I walked over to the chair with my clothes on it.

As I was looking down at my clothes about to grab them I caught a quick glimpse of my reflection.

I stared at the girl in the mirror. She looked the the girl that used to be me two years ago.

The candle light made my face a beautiful bronze color. I had a bruise on my jaw line with some scratches here an there.

I reached out and touched the mirror, a tear rolling down my cheek. I remembered looking like this after my father beat me.

I promised myself I would never look like this ever again, I would never act like this again. I promised myself that I would always stay strong.

I looked back at the girl in the mirror, before looking down and telling myself to get a grip.

After putting in my clothes I quietly walked out of the tent. The sun was beginning to rise. I grabbed a few of the targets that the lost boys left out.

I set up my targets, creating a circle around me.

I looked around me, making sure no one was watching, remembering what Tink told me. Pan can't know I have the heart of the truest believer.

Closing my eyes I began to think of my bow and arrows. All the memory's came flooding back.

Then I felt the wood of my bow in my hand. I opened my eyes and looked down, it was there.

I pulled out an arrow. I looks down my arrow, through the sight window. I slowly pulled back my fingers lightly touching my cheek bone.

Once I let go of the string the arrow glided through the air hitting the center of the target. Then I exploded, turning and hitting every target until I ran out of arrows.

I smiled, still haven't lost my touch. After gathering all the arrows I sat in the center of the circle I created with the targets.

I heard twigs snapping behind me. I turned around and shot before I realized it was only Peter.

"You've got skill" he said holding the arrow he just caught.

"You too" I said eyes wide.

"Who taught you" he asked, walking towards me, handing me my arrow.

"Taught myself" I replied putting my arrow back.

"Huh nice" he said eyes trailing over my body, the stopped when they saw my bow. "Where did you get that" he asked while walking toward me.

His eyes were wild with excitement as he got even closer.

"Found it" I replied taking a step back while gripping my bow where I had my initials specially carved.

Soon all the boys were awake and we were all gathered around Peter.

"Boys, I would like you to meet Kristie" said Peter while motioning towards me.

"Oh you mean the girl who kicked Luke and Harry's asses last night?" Asked a lost boy smirking.

"Yep that's me" I replied dusting off my shoulders.

"Well let's see how Luke does this time" said Pan smirking.

"Wait, what?!" I asked frantically.

"You" said Pan grabbing my shoulder "Will go against Luke, again".

Pan shoved us together before smirking and stepping back.

I threw the first punch, Luke blocking it , oh shit. Luke's eyes flickered down at my stomach then back up at my eyes. He had noticed my weakness which was blocking my stomach.

Luke punched me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me.

I threw him to the ground, pinning his arms to the ground. When my arms grabbed his, his eyes lit up, a wave of gold crossing over them. Woah, that threw me off guard, Luke grabbed me flipping us over so he was on top of me.

"Nice to meet you" he said smirking.

I smiled flipping us over so I was straddling him.

"Nice to meet you too" I whispered.

"Alright! Get up before you two start dry humping each other" said Peter a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Jealous" I said getting off Luke.

Peter did the thing where he puts all his weight on one foot, crosses his arms and raises his eye brow.

"Boys, let me speak alone with Kristie for a moment".

All the lost boys scrambled away, I caught a glimpse of Luke looking at me with worries eyes.

"You know your being a bitch" said Peter slowly making a circle around me.

That stung.

"I didn't even do anything fairy boy" I said, rolling my eyes

Peter slammed me up against a tree.

"If I didn't need something from you, you would already be dead" Pan spat in my face.

"Well what do you want from me" I managed to get out "you've already taken away my real life, my family" I said clutching my necklace "I'm just a waste of space, what's the point in even living".

Then it hit me. These were the exact words I said before attempting suicide. A tear escaped my eye.

"Aww are you crying" said Peter smirking.

"You know, there is a reason for why I wore so many bracelets" I said blankly staring at him, not even realizing those words left my lips.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" he asked looking at my scared wrist then back up at me with a smug grin on his face.

"It means Peter" I said shoving him off me, "even the strongest people will break" I replied slowly walking to the edge of the clearing "but after they build themselves back up" I continued walking, my back to him. "They're stronger than ever" I finished turning around to face him before disappearing.

HIIIIIIII. ok don't kill me please. I know ITS BEEN A WHOLE WEEK BUT I CAN EXPLAIN. So I had no wifi this whole week but I still wrote this chapter AND I FORGOT TO FUCKING SAVE IT SO I HAD TO RE WRITE IT. Anyways it was amazing seeing all of these comments once I got home. SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS KINDA RUSHED I NEEDED TO INTRODUCE LUKE SORRY THAT SOMEOF THIS IS KINDA STUPID AND THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IVE BEEN DROPPING HINTS AND SCENES THAT WILL APEAR LATER. Anyways as a Christmas gift (hope y'all had an amazing Christmas) I WILL POST 2 MORE CHAPTERS IN THE NEXT 36 HOURS!!!!!!!!! Btw the next chapter will be mostly a filler and I will introduce more new characters then the chapter AFTER THAT will BE freaking amazing I already have it all planed out!!! Anyways love y'all

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