Chapter 6

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I awkwardly flopped back to dry land. My tail changed into my legs again, I was wearing the same clothes and my hair was dry.

I. Love. Magic.

I sat at the edge of the beach where the sand met the forest. The sunset here was beautiful, it almost looked unreal.

"Beautiful isn't it?" asked a voice.

I jumped up grabbing my sword. I slowly turned around trying to find the voice, I'm not letting this happen again.

I laid eyes on a guy, maybe a year older than me. He had brown hair and green/blue eyes.

I put my sword up to his neck and pushed him up against a tree.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I questioned looking up at him.

"Huh, Pan must enjoy you" he said staring down at me smirking.

"Yeah well I don't like him" I replied rolling my eyes, Kristie, girl, focus!

"You didn't answer my question" I said tightening my grip on him.

"I could ask you the same thing" he replied smirking again. "I'm Killian Jones" he added.

I gave him a puzzled look.

"I'm hook, as in The Captain Hook" he said maybe and inch away from my face.

I backed away to get a good look at him. He was tan well more tan then Peter. He was tall and broad shouldered. He was wearing all black with a big black coat. He had jewelry and rings on.

My eyes dropped down to his two hands, wait, what!?

"Where's your hook" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"I'm friends with a fairy" he replied putting his arms out with a 'duh' look on his face.

I sat back down and he did too.

"Aren't you suppose to be old" I asked glancing at him then back at the beautiful sunset.

"No" he simply replied, not even looking at me.

"But in the story" I said before he cut me off.

"Do you really think everything in the story is completely true?" he asked "they got Pans whole character wrong already" he said laughing.

"Well I guess" I said "so why are you here" I asked, jeez I'm being noisy but hook didn't seem to mind.

"Well Pan and I created this island" he said staring off into the sunset smiling

"we ruled together for a long time until he became power crazy, something just snapped in him. He went from being my bro to being an enemy, he even tried to kill me" he raised his hand "that's how I lost this bad boy. Then he cast a curse you know the 'no one gets off this island without my permission' thing".

When Hook was imitating Pan he used his fingers to make air quotes and the whole time he has this stupid look on his face. I giggled then it hit me, oh shit Pans gonna be pissed.

"Sorry Killian I gotta go" I said quickly jumping up.

"Well it was nice to meet you" he said shaking my hand.

I felt sparks when it happened...oh gawd no.

I quickly ran in the direction of Pans camp site. I heard a rustling noise and I stopped dead in my tracks before I slowly turned around.

I waited, silence.

Then a beast jumped out roaring and starting towards me.

I ran, as fast as I could. Vines and branches were whipping and scratching my face. Some branches even cutting my clothing.

I started screaming as the roars and growls got closer. I could feel feel the beast breathing down my neck.

When I finally reached Pans campsite the beast, just stopped, in mid air.

I was breathing heavily as I looked up to see Pan smirking.

"What the hell was that?!?" I screeched.

He lifted his hand "magic" he said as the beast disappeared.

I felt a sudden urge to take my top off. And I don't know why but I did rather quickly.

As I was unstrapping everything all the lost boys had stopped to stare at me.

"Uh Kristie" Pan said raising and eyebrow and smirking.

Once I was in just my bra I was in so much pain.

I looked down to see and inch wide, inch deep gash in my skin.

It stretched from the bottom of my bra to about an half an inch away from my belly button.

The pain increased and so did my breathing.

I looked up to see wide eyed, terrified lost boys.

I was now sweating and shaking along with breathing heavily.

I looked over at Peter, the same look on his face.

My legs soon gave out and I dropped to the ground. The pain became so bad that I could no longer feel my legs.

My head was throbbing. With each beat the pain increased.

I was now screaming out in pain as the lost boys and Peter rushed over to me.

Now I couldn't even scream I was just sweating and shaking.

Peter kneeled down next to me his eyes wide as they met with mine. All color was drained from his face.

"P-p-pe-pet-pet-peter" I said practically gurgling as my shaky hand reached out, trying to find his.

"He-h-he-help m-m-me" I tried to say getting quieter and quieter as each syllable left my mouth.

Tears were now rolling down my face as I was gasping for air. I squeezed his hand even tighter before I blacked out.



So who do you think is gonna save Kristie? What do you think is gonna happen next? Who do you ship with Kristie??😏😏😏😏😏 TELL MEH IN DA COMMENTS next update hmmmmmmmm latest will be Thursday!!!!



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