Chapter One

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Thick red liquid spews out of the creature before me. I scrunch up my face in disgust as blood hits me, the thick substance smashing on my already dirty and bloody clothing, but painting my face and hair with the vital fluid, but make no sound as the still silence sets. Gripping the blade, I remove it out of the unknown animal that stands before me, laying helpless. I crack an eerie smile as I look to the dark path, daring myself. Challenge accepted, a cheeky grin was evident on my narrow face as I take off down the path in the forest, giggling and laughing as I ran, by little back bouncing up and down as I took each dangerous step. Hearing the leaves crunch under my feet, feeling the wind whip and blow on me. My harmless laughs get louder. I hear crunching of the leaves in a different direction, my mind wanders if I should go check it out or continue to be a free spirit until needed otherwise, that is, until I come to an abrupt stop. I'm on the cold ground, I curse myself yet giggle, knowing I had run into something, my giggles stop as I hear a groan of pain, from the thing, more like someone. I hear a yelp from the unknown. I sigh of relief and small disappointment as it was not the creatures I had seen, they're quite fun to mess around with. I look up to meet with big crystal blue eyes.

    "Oh, um hello," I say, looking at the boy who looked the same age as me. Maybe a year older. "Get close to him..."

    "Um, hello," The boy had a deep voice, yet he made it out to sound almost as if he was asking me a question. I get up and brush off my bloody pants. I look up to him and stick out my right hand.

    "Hiya, I'm sorry for running into you man," He looks to my hand as if I'm holding a grenade. I giggle as he stares wide-eyed at me.

    "Um, it's okay..." He trails off, hesitantly shaking my hand.

    "I'm Jaz by the way," I laugh, "well you probably have somewhere to be, bye stranger!" I wave and start walking away. A hand wraps around my wrist and my lips tug up to a near smile, "Yes?" I turn to see the nameless boy looking partially dazed.

    "How, what, why?" He asks I give him a confused look, as mentally asking him what he meant. He must have caught on as he continues.

    "I mean how can you be so, peachy in this world. You have a big smile on your face, and shook actually shook my hand."

    "Um, imagine the only way to you staying sane is having a smile on your face, it helps me stay to who I am I guess," I shrugged, I never really thought of me smiling so much. "Yes you did, that's all you do," This again... "Well it's true," Yeah but that doesn't mean you can say it, "It kind of does doesn't it?" Oh, just shut up already.

    "Um, hello?" The boy waved his hand in front of my face. I snap out of my side conversation with myself and look at the boy. "This isn't over..."

    "Hm?" I hum looking to him.

    "You dozed off, I asked you 'doesn't it bother you with the blood around you?'"

    "Oh, um, no not really. My Mother was a doctor and my father was a policeman, so blood and all that was pretty much in the package I guess." I shrug once more, trying to keep the flashback at the back of my mind.

    "You know you can't hide them forever, you are the minority," Yeah but I've dealt with you haven't I? "You know they're much worse unless you wouldn't hide them." I let out an audible groan.

    "You know you've never told me your name..." I trail off, trying to change the subject. I guess this idiot didn't get the mental memo.

    "Oh, I'm Jake, how was it with your mother a doctor, you must have had a good life." He smiles, jealously was in his eyes. An emotion I was all too familiar with.

    "Yeah, great life, for sure. Parents abandon me every day, and never home to buy anything other than necessaries," I give him a small glare, he assumes too much.

    "Oh," He looks down, there's a pink tint glistening off of his cheeks, I give a near smile, I didn't mean to make him embarrassed. Oops.

    "Yeah, well nice ten, twenty-minute talk. I got to go now, though, bye," I wave, and started to run off again. About fifteen minutes into running and dodging branches, I;m out of breath. I pant heavily as I look behind me to see if he was behind me. Luckily he was not. I suddenly feel tired. I look to see my surrounding and see a perfect tree to climb. As I climb it, she comes back once more.

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