Chapter Four

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Looking into the hall, I started slowly walking up the stairs to the second floor. The floorboards are old, each step I take a little creek is heard through the quiet house. As I reach the top of the stairs, the strong scent of decomposing flesh fills my nose. My face shrivels up in disgust, yet I keep going. I look down the corridor to the bedroom doors, seeing there were about five doors maybe even more that I'm not able to see because of the lack of light. "You should know there're no windows in a hallway, why would it be light?" Oh, I don't know maybe there was a window in a room and the door was open, allowing light to come through, "Well there isn't, is there?" I let out an audible groan and shake my head. You never listen, do you? I don't care what you think, "That is totally off the topic of no windows in a hallway Jaz," Oh whatever! I slap my forehead though it's no use, it will only cause me pain or relief but won't gets that bitch out of my head. I continue to walk down the hall, until I come to a stop. I hear a low moan, notifying me that one of those things is in there. I quietly knock on the door, shuffling from the room is audible. Suddenly scratches are coming from inside the door, only two hands I can hear. Easy enough, I think to myself as I open the door. I quickly take out the creature using a knife I had picked up somewhere in Southern Maine, I'm in Northern Maine now, so I do need to find stable shelter for the winter. I think to myself. I sit quietly in the room, until she came. "How can you still be fat yet eat nothing?" Please, just stop. "They're almost here, maybe a couple weeks, but they're here," she drags out the here a bit, laughing like a manic. A single tear rolls down my face, as I sink to the floor. I bang my head against the wall.

"Why are you doing this to me!" I scream, kicking the wall across the floor. "Please just stop already! You make me want to die!" I continue to scream to nothing in the unknown place.

"Please just leave me alone!" I kick the wall once more until I come to a halt. My head is spinning, and I hear a loud crash. My eyes start to droop, as I fight against myself to stay awake. I guess I lost, I think to myself as I'm off to a deep sleep.

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