Chapter Six

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"Well that's not nice," I frown, though it probably looks like I'm pouting. I look to my arm, seeing it wrapped in a flannel shirt. I look to the boy, he's actually quite attractive. Not again. "But it's okay I guess." I smile at him, I don't need him having the guilt of shooting someone on his back.

"It-" He was cut off by the door slamming open then shut down stairs. Running comes from the hall as a familiar face opens the cell door. I try to sit up, but my restrains keep me from doing so. I groan as I try to move my arm.

"You're awake I see," Jake says. I study his facial features, his pokerfaced expression is giving nothing away.

"Yeah, and?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. My head held high.

    "Nothing, just saying the obvious, are you okay?" I shrug.

    "It hurts, but I wouldn't say Im not okay."


I look down for a second, knowing I need to get out of here now, before anything else happens.

    "Can you let me out?" I ask, dreading the answer.

They both say automatically, "No," and look to each other.

I let out a groan and throw my head back in irritation.

    "Why not? I just want to leave."

    "Because we don't know you or anyone that knows you. What if you bring people back here and kill us?" I laugh at Jake's sentence.

    "You really think I'd waste my breath on killing people? People are the only things that can stop this madness that we call our planet on. You really think I'm that dumb, to kill two people who took me in, instead of shooting me and letting me die? That have a chance in helping this cruel world? You honestly think, that I would kill you? Yeah okay buddy," Jake looks surprised, yet the other boy just smirks at him.

    "Jay," he says, what I assume to be Jake's nickname, "I think she doesn't do too well in groups."

    "Why would you say that Alec?" Jake questions. So that's his name. Alec, has a nice ring to it. Rolls right off the tongue some would say.

    "Lets uh, step out of the room for a sec Jay."

They both nod and start walking out of the room. Once the door closes, I look around, seeing if there is anything I could use to get out of here. The keys to what I assume my handcuffs are on the table, about four feet away. I slide my body down the bed, trying to use my feet to hit the keys onto the bed since the table was at the end of the cell bunk. No luck. I kick the stand, but a silver fork falls off the table. I mutter a curse word, getting back to how I was before, soon later they did not come. I have to try again. This time, something odd happened. I use my feet yet again, but a instinct kicked in I've only felt twice before. I swipe my left foot, and the keys came flying towards me. I grab the keys with my hand that was not injured, and twist the key into the whole, letting me hear a very satisfying click! I easily slide off the restrain, letting it fall onto the bed lightly. I jump out of the bed, and open the door. I peek my head out, looking into the hallway and see not one, but two people. Jake and Alec of course.

    "Hey boys, you forgot, I know how to get put of handcuffs? Yeah my old man was a cop. Jake should have know. Ill be off now boys. I'll do just fine." I laugh as they look dumbstruck. I stroll down the hallway. That is, until something had tackled me.

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