Chapter Three

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I continue to bolt forward until I come to a halt. The alone house was located at the top of a hill little ways away from the forest that I had just run out of. Curiosity may have killed the cat but it had gotten the better of me as I walk to it. It took about ten, maybe fifteen minutes to get to the lone house but I did succeed in getting there. I knock on the door carefully. One knock, two knocks, three knocks four, how many people are behind this door? I let out a small chuckle as I made thee mental joke. Hearing nothing, I slowly turn the knob, hearing the small click I push the passage door open. The door creeks loudly however not surprising as I do not know how long this door has yet to be opened. I use my foot to kick the bottom of the door slightly, the door moving so I had a full view of what looked like a hallway but was hard to tell since there was it was dark side the house, not to mention the dark atmosphere. I take the gun from the holster located on my left thigh, gripping the handle of the gun, I aim it into the hallway of the house. I take a small step in, my guard still standing tall. I see nothing stopping me as I kick the door open, letting a loud bang from the impact of the door knob hit the hallway wall. I smile wickedly as I walk through the hallway. One door on my left was ajar, but only a tad bit. I unwrap one of my hands from my handgun, pushing the door open. Yet again, a creek was heard through the quiet house. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure move in the darkness. The figure in the almost pitch-black room has not made a noise to let me know it is one of those things, yet it has not shown me it isn't. I raise my gun a little to the finger but the only thing that came out was a small rabbit, seeing as I was in dear need of food yet I had plenty in my bag, I took out my knife and jam it into the, now, lifeless animal. I take the rabbit from it's neck and pick it, inspecting it. With meat now a days I always check if the meat is tainted. Looking at it, it seems to be okay but you don't know until you've cut it open. Red meat is okay, the tainted meat turns a dark brown, almost black. Ive seen it before so it is easy for me to detect if its infected. "I'm back," the voice drags out, Oh no, not you again. "You really think you could get rid of little old me? Think again," She laughs in my head, the high-pitched laugh causes me to wince.

    Why are you still here? Do you find it amusing to sit around in my head and yell at me, make me freak out? Is that it? "Oh hun, you shouldn't have said that, they're coming and they're going to be more furious now. I'll see you around, well you'll hear me around, get it?" Enough with the bad jokes, "I'm highly offended ," Yeah yeah, leave already before you come back.

    Slinging the dead animal over my shoulder away from my bag, I pick the knife back up, holding it pointed down near my hip, and jam it into my holster, which I had made a knife pocket when I was at the, "Safe Zone, you know that place wasn't going to make it," I had hope... "Hope gets you killed." 

    Yeah, I know.

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