Chapter Two

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"Why do you keep turning people away?" Why do you always have to be in my head? "Someone's time of the month. Anyway, why make yourself be alone? Why, to torture yourself, the first human that you've seen, your age too! Right in front of your very eyes, yet you run away from him. He was kind of cute," Okay and? You and I have no bloody idea who he was or who he might be in a group with if he is. What if the dude was from Eric's group? He'd kill me on spot after what I did to him. "So? You're going to die one way or the other haha," Stop laughing at me, it's getting annoying, "You're just mad that you can never get away from me, they're coming know, they're bigger and worse than last time."

    "Get out of my head!" I shout, tears brimming my eyes as I tug the roots of my hair. "Please..." I sob, tears running down my face like a waterfall. I don't know how it happened but I manage to close my eyes and fall into a dark nightmare. "They're coming, they're coming, they're coming!" The voice in my head yells, laughing like a maniac. Suddenly I'm in a white room. 'They are close' is written on the wall in what most likely is blood. The shouting continues, I go sit by the wall and lightly bang my head off the wall, banging with more force as the voice doesn't stop. "You're next!" she wouldn't stop shouting.

    "Stop!" I jolt awake sitting up on the tree that I accidentally drifted asleep on. My breathing is havoc, as I pant to try and catch what small breath I have. I hear a very low moan, almost not audible. I look down to the owner of the moan, seeing it was an undead creature. It's very uncommon where I am to have them find me. Being up north where it is almost Winter isn't the best weather for this pawn of the unknown. I rummage through my light bag, feeling the handle of the blade I grip it and quickly yet cautiously climbing down the tree with the handle of the knife in my mouth holding it in place. I bite down so I wouldn't slip trying to keep ahold of the knife, jumping down when I was about a foot or two off the ground. I dash a little away from the nonhuman, luring it away. I then sprint towards it will all my willpower I have left and jab the blade into his or her skull. I start to crack up losing myself to this world once again, "You're losing yourself again," the voice tells me yet I do everything but listen. My little giggles start to become crazed laughs, as I wipe the blood off of the knife onto my dirty and bloody black leggings. "Y'know, I've always liked you better like this. Crazy and insane." The magical word makes me stop dead in my tracks, my jaw flies open as the knife drops to the ground. Insane. Flashbacks of Maxine plays through my head.

"You're crazy! Stay away from me, you're freaking insane!"

    "No, I'm not! Please, stay..." I yelled to her as she runs away from me. I drop to the ground, tears running down my cheeks as I lightly whisper, "I'm sorry..."

I pull down the sleeve of my hoodie, wiping the tears. I look down at my hands, and watch as they shake,"They're coming and you know it, that was a warning," Oh shut up, get out of my head! I groan, she just laughs and laughs she won't stop.

    "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I scream, probably attacking one of those monsters from a mile distance. I grip the ends of my hair, tugging it. Hearing a low growl near me, I crack of what some people would call a bloodthirsty smile, picking up the knife shakily, raising myself above the cold ground and look to the culprit of the sound. My mad smile fell as I see the little girl that stood before me, limping towards me. She wore a light pink nightgown from what it looked like, but only covered in dirty and had various blood stains on it. She wore one shoe, what looked like a flip-flop but I could be wrong as her feet was protected by the leaves that had fallen because it's the season. I jerk my head right as a hand grabs my arm, I'm faced with rotten flesh, jaw missing creature. I let out a small shriek of surprise seeing as I've never been this close to a living beast like this, not to mention I'm quite interested of how this thing has lost it's jaw, despite that, I sling my bag over my left shoulder taking off into a random direction as I got out of there in the nick of time.

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