Chapter Five

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As I wake, I realize I'm not where I once was. My gun. I glance around, seeing my gun was nowhere to be seen. Tears threaten to block my vision as pain shoots through my arm as I raise it. I let none out, though. I look over to see one of my right wrist is handcuffed to the bed. I take a good look around seeing I'm in a cell? I push the thought to the back of my head as I look around frantically until a figure comes into my view, but it walks quickly and its standing tall, making almost no noise, other than the floorboards, creaking ever so loudly. I use my unoccupied hand, that wasn't cuffed, wiping the salty liquid from my cheeks.

"I see you're awake," I look to the figure, it was a boy. My age too.

"Yeah, who are you?" I can tell my stare is cold, even though a tear runs down my face.

"You've met my best friend, that's all you need to know," He says. My mind goes blank, my facial features grow stale as I say,

"Kill me," He looks pale, eyes wide. I don't care, he is around my age, though some people would say that's cruel, so be it.

"W-What?" He stutters, looking at the gun in his hand, he sets it down quietly.

"You know exactly what I said. Kill me. Do it."

"But, why?"

"Because when he gets here, he'll do worse."

"What happened between you and him?"

"You already know if you are his best friend," I spit out in disgust.

"Jake wouldn't do-" He was soon cut off by me.

"Jake? The one I ran into in the woods?"

"Um, yeah?" He says more as a question.

"S-So, you're not with Eric correct...?"

"Who's that?" He asks, curious.

"Someone I hope you will never cross paths with, for your own good. You should have just left me out there than you would not have gotten in the middle of this." I shake my head as flashbacks of past groups that have taken me in, big numbers as well, all dead because of me. "Its all your fault, so many deaths, just because of something you did." I know, please stop. This isn't the best time for you to say something I already know. "Sucks to suck." You're such a child. "Im your mind, of course I'm immature. You make dirty jokes with your mind all the time, you really think I would not be as childish as well?" Well I think you would have some common sense once in a while. "Well I don't now do I?"

    "Ugh just shut up already!" I look to see the boy staring at me speechless. "Oh, haha that wasn't towards you," I giggle, cracking a wicked smile. "The voices," I point to my head, "She won't shut up," "I'm offended." Good. I look towards the unnamed boy. He's looking at me as if I was crazy, I quickly cover it up. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. So, why exactly am I here?"

"Oh, um. I found you, in a house screaming, and I thought one of those things where on you so, so, um, I kind of shot you..." The boy stutters.

Insanely SaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora