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A few weeks passed, the days growing colder as the snow banks grew taller. Soon enough Christmas came around, and I made the trip out to my father's home in the country the night before for the holiday. His mansion made my penthouse seem like a cottage, it's massive size reflective of his wealth. I wasn't one to talk since I certainly didn't hide my own success; my father just always seemed to be more inclined to show off than to not.

I rang the doorbell with my single suitcase in hand- I didn't plan on staying for any longer than I had to. My father opened the large front door, the smell of food and booze wafting out of his home.

"Son!" He exclaimed, stumbling a bit as he pulled me into his embrace.

"Father," I hugged him back, almost nauseated by the smell of liquor on his breath.

"I'm so happy you could make it," he smiled. "How long has it been since we've spent Christmas together with the family? At least five years?"

"It's been eight," I smiled as my gaze drifted to the woman who patiently stood behind my father. She was dressed extravagantly, cleavage adorned by sparkling jewelery, her hips hugged tightly by a red dress. I gave her a curt nod, waiting to be introduced.


I woke up the next morning in my father's guest bedroom, hungover from copious amounts of imported red wine. I rolled over on my side, aimlessly searching for my phone on the nightstand where I vaguely remembered placing it last night. I held it close to me as I went through the notifications, strategically ignoring my work emails as well as the missed calls from Assistant Kang. I logged onto the R.F.A. messenger to see both Zen and V were online.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

ZEN:  It's the worst being alone on christmas.... everyone is so lovey dovey and here I am, the most handsome person probably ever, eating take out by myself. This should be a crime

V: You should be thankful for all the things you do have. Merry Christmas, Jumin.

Jumin Han: Thank you, V. You as well.

ZEN: How can I be thankful when I know trustfund kid is eating his weight in gourmet food and getting thousands of dollars in presents from his dad?!!

Jumin Han: This is actually the first Christmas I haven't worked in eight years.

V: Eight years? Are you at your father's home now?

Jumin Han: Yes. I just woke up.

ZEN: Just woke up? It's almost one in the afternoon dude

V: I'm sure him and his father enjoyed more than their fair share of wine last night. Give him a break.

ZEN: Am I supposed to feel bad for him or something?

Jumin Han: Don't feel bad for me. I make enough money every holiday I work to pay your rent for a year.



Jumin Han: And what is that?

ZEN: You act so smug about all your money but in reality I have it better than you. At least I have an actual chance of finding a girlfriend someday.

Jumin Han: Are you implying I could never meet a woman?

ZEN: yes

V: Zen has a point. You should maybe consider looking into dating.

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