The Bet

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Monday 11-21-16

Now everything might seem alright, not really. This whole problem had started in math class. Yes math class. Where else to start a great story, right? No.

I have a brown teacher for math class and it is not pleasing. I basically know everything in this class. Yet I get a 99.99 as an average. I don't know why I get that. Who can even translate whatever he says? All I here nothing really. His accent is so... I don't know, non translatable?

I was sitting with my two girl friends and my brother. He's not really my brother. He is my school brother. Just some guy who is very short. About 4 feet. His name is Kyle. He is soooo adorable. My two girl friends are Nikita and Liv. Liv does not even care about math class. All she does is write who-knows-what and Nikita passes notes to me.

"Hey Alex," called out Abigail. She was one of the 11 girls in my class. She was sitting in the table left to me. There is only three lab tables and the school is too cheap to do anything. Abigail was sitting next to her BFF, Jessie.

"What, I'm busy. I am staring at the love of my life right now. Can you call me later?" I responded. Yes I have attitude and I love showing it. I am like the queen of flirting and flirting needs some attitude. I flirt so much that I don't know I'm flirting.

"Will you stop doing that? You know, you don't even pay attention to this class so stop acting annoyed. Who even cares if you stare at Sky?" sassed Abigail. She flipped her hair glared at me. We had a mini staring contest and I did not win and she lost.

"It's not my fault I act like that," I claimed. She had no right to say this to me.

"Are you alright, Alex? Last time I checked, you didn't rule this place," muttered Liv. Liv is like the twin sister that I never had.

We have a few things in common and we have similar brain connections. You don't know how weird it is when we get the same grades and ideas. But then again, it has its good sides, but not right now.

"Girl, you needa mind your own business. No one was talking to you," I said. What is wrong with people these days?

She shrugged it off and then turned around to talk to Kyle. Kyle basically knows all the girly secrets. We even added him to the girls' private group chat.

"I dare you to not show attitude for two weeks straight," said Abigail. Is she out of her mind? I can't possibly not show attitude! It is what makes me!

"What do I achieve if I do win this bet?" I asked. I need to know what I can get before I start playing risky. Who knows what I'll lose.

"Oh! I know. If Alex loses she has to back out Jerry and-" said Jessie. Ew, Jerry, ew. She could have chosen Sky.

"And if Abigail loses, she had to ask out Tom again!" Countered Nikita. Thank you Nikita!

"Fine but f I win, Abigail does not have to do anything." I claimed.

"Fine,"muttered Jessie. What is her problem.

"The best starts now and you have three strikes through the whole two weeks." Abigail felt proud apparently. Now look at me. Now I am not Queen Alex. Now I'm whatever. I really want to talk.

I looked at Liv. What is she doing? She can't be flirting at Kyle. Not Kyle. He is only a four year old. I mean he's tall as a four year old.

"No he isn't. He is in kindergarten," said Liv.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yup," she said. She was giving me a creepy grin. "So why aren't you giving me attitude yet?"

"Wasn't you listening?" She was right near me. How could she not hear?

"No, I was actually listening to the lesson. You know, he was using his popsicle thingy to choose who to call," she said. Oh shit. I am in big trouble.

The bell then rang. Liv stole my big fat binder and my very expensive pencils and ran down the stairs. At least I don't have too much to carry.

Now you might wonder what the hell am I talking about. Being thirteen has its perks but not all. Now you have to follow more rules and this and that. Middle school can be so difficult especially eighth grade. I am wasting so much energy just by walking down to the second floor.

Now you're wondering why I'm writing about English class. This is the most tragic class with the most tragic teacher.

I sat down with their of my girl friends which are Liv, Nikita, and Jane. Everything was alright until Liv raised her hand. Liv never raises her hand! I'm in big trouble.

I watched in horror as the teacher walked our way.

"Guess what?" She asked, " Alex can't show attitude for a whole week." One, two,thre-look he is smiling. The teacher is smiling. I am doomed.

"Good. Finally I can be the boss now," he said. He became really happy. Thanks Liv. You had to do that.

"You're welcome," she said as if reading my mind. Ok that is it I am going to rage. I glared at her but then was stopped by Nikita.

"Remember Alex, you have three strikes left for this week," she taunted.

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