The Day I Died

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"Remember, we have to play correctly. That includes especially to you both," he said pointing at me and Christine. What did I do?

Then in a high pitched voice he said, "Oh, I don't know how to catch a football. Or rather throw one. Let me just sit this out and get an F for the final grade. Even then, I can't run and play like a decent player."

Is he trying to mimic me? Out of all people me? Jeez. Who gave him the right? Oh wait, it was him. He is like thirty after all.

"Sorry, but it is actually true. Someone as fabulous as me cannot be as athletic as you. Well someone as lousy as you," I said muttering the last part. I then walked away to get my flag and belt on.

My team was the yellow team. Guess who we're playing against. Shawn's team. Yup the best and very aggressive team in the whole class.

And... here's my team. Consistent of girls who were rejected by the team leaders. You already know who is part of it.

"Get ready!" yelled the teacher. Did I also mention that he's the quarterback? Sad. He can't even throw as good as the rest of the boys in our class.

I ran into position and stood in front of no one. To tell you the truth, everyone knows that no quarterback is going to throw at me. Even if it is Sky. I would usually miss it or it might slip out of my hands.

"Hike!" he yelled. I ran as fast as I could to the end point. Next thing I knew, we were sitting in the bleachers. What happened was that before we could get a touchdown he told to go back and sit. Yup. That's what he told us. Well not that exactly.

He threw the ball to Hank. Hank caught and then kept in running. Then he stopped. Everyone else looked confused and then the teacher told us that the team was disbanded.

"Why did he do that?" asked Liv running up to me.

"How am I supposed to know. I wasn't even listening," I claimed. Why should someone me answer such a ridiculous question. Liv then ran to the teacher. Of course. She easily gets bored doing nothing in gym.

I sat down in the bleachers. I was about to gossip about Sky and complain about McKenzie when...

"Don't just sit there, run or do something that requires motion!" he yelled. What is his problem?

I started running and walking. Nikita was with me and kept the pace. Liv on the other hand, was playing with the boys.

I looked over at Amit. He was holding his hand. It looked a little red. Oooh, that looks like it is going to hurt. So Liv is a sub for that team. No wonder she is playing.

I sat down next to Amit. "You alright?" I asked.

"Oh. Oh yeah. I just tripped on top of my hand while running for the football," he responded before sulking about his hand.

"How do you trip in mid air and then fall on your hand? That is Andy's job." I asked. That does not fully make sense. Andy is the only person I know that can trip on air and pretend nothing happened or just make a fool of himself.

"I don't know," he said.

Is it me or this guy is crazy. So it's just me. Sad.

I then stood up and start jogging. I watched as Jin's team was winning. It was only a team of boys. If you exclude Liv.

The teacher then blew his whistle. Finally. Who even wants to participate in this now. I went to the lockerroom before hitting myself with the door.

"Hugh," I groaned. "There was no use of participating in today's gym period. All we did was walk and run around," I complained. That was not a good gym period. I repeat not. Even though I could not play. Curse that gym teacher.

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