Don't you dare flip that bottle, Kyle! I mean it!

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It's lunch right now and I'm sitting with all my girl friends in a booth. It might be a little too crowded. Now you're wondering what I'm doing here now, right? No. Oh, then it's just me.

Liv has gotten this booth. One minute she is in Spanish, then I blink, and then the next, she's gone. It is unbelievable but then Nikita was right. Liv does have powers.

Almost all the girls were sitting with me. The booth is supposed to carry 5 people. Who cares? At least it's legal. I know what you must be thinking. How does 10 girls fit in one booth, Alex? For some reason, Liv always gets this booth.

She said "this booth brings me back old memories. They're from when we first came in 6th grade."

I remember 6th grade like it was yesterday, especially the day I met Nikita and Liv. Apparently, Liv didn't know who I was and called me a different name until she realized who I was. The most fabulous Alex. That was when the three musketeers still existed. You know, Britteny, Nikita, and Liv. Sixth grade went a little too cliché though.

Liv always holds onto her memories. There is not one day in which she does not talk about the past. One day!

Nikita, on the other hand, is the girl who keeps quiet about everything. You know, that one girl in every cliché story who sits in the back corner of the room and never talks. She's like that but way cooler. You have to be in her league to be her friend. I am a little off that but that doesn't matter. As long as were friends, nothing matters.

The formation of the booth was like


Random Nikita Jessie Random slutty high schoolers

Douchebags Me Dylan

Liv Christine

A god damn window that would never give space for Liv's 20 pound book bag

So, that was about it. Random boys in one booth and disgusting high schoolers in another. In the middle is us. The most awesome girls in the whole cafeteria.

The three of us were very squished. Meaning me, Liv and Nikita. It can get so uncomfortable here at times. Especially when everyone is trying to squish Christine into the wall and she is moaning. Yes moaning. How does she find that pleasurable? Think of it, you're in a booth with a damn hoe-like girl in the end by the wall, then comes some boys from Sky's squad leaving one of their creations from today's lunch. Ew just ew.

Most of their creations contains chocolate milk and sometime spinach and left overs. The thought of I makes me gag. I can resist throwing up though unlike some people. I look at Liv.

I can resist everything except Sky. I can resist taking notes and now I am resisting showing any attitude now matter I how much I want to sass.

So I'm on Liv's phone. I'm currently listening to "Scars To Your Beautiful." Yes, I have to listen to music and so does Liv. One time, I remember her annoying me so bad just because the music on her phone stopped. That girl needs to get data. How does she enjoy listening to the same song over and over again? It's ridiculous.

"So she tries to cover up her pain, and cut her woes away, 'cause covergirls don't cry after their face is made, but the-." I was singing .

"Stop singing to yourself. It's annoying," butted in Nikita.

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