Chapter Eleven

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"Hi, I don't know who you are supposed to be, but my name is Nikolai. I'm Vita's brother." Nikolai introduced himself, dropping his bags by the door and extend his arms towards Callum while smiling politely.

At first, I saw Callum a bit surprised and confused with Nikolai but when he introduced, he relaxed and somehow relieved. He extended his free hand to Nikolai and shook his hand firmly. "I'm Callum. I'm your sister's boyfriend."

Nikolai eyed me as he wiggles his eyebrows a little. "Boyfriend you say? I'm afraid Vita has never mentioned you." He said, sitting down on the other couch. If Callum was disappointed, he didnt show it nor say anything.

Callum sat back again next to me. "We've only officially started dating a few days ago." I said, in my defense. I didn't want Callum to think that I'm ashamed of him.

My brother nodded then looked at Callum's cheek covered in meat. "Whatever happened to your face?"

My eyes unconsciously glared at the thought of what Karl had done. "Karl." I said.

"This is interesting." He said, beaming at us. "I was just in time to witness all the drama that's happening to my little sister's life." He said.

When I thought my life couldn't get any more complicated, Morgan storms inside the dorm blabbering. "Why didn't you tell me that half of the students are calling you names like Nazi?" Just after she said that, she noticed that I wasn't very much alone. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you have company." She said, a little taken aback by what just happened.

Nikolai furrowed his brows, eyeing me. "They called you Nazi?"

I sighed but before I could even say anything, Callum spoke. "They are calling you names? Why?"

"It's all because of you actually." Morgan said when she felt that I was unable to respond. When his face deepens with confusion, Morgan continued. "She practically has a hate group now and all of those are actually the women you have been ignoring."

Callum set the meat on the coffee table and look at me with concern and sullen expression. "I'm sorry, Vita. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

I hold his hands and shook my head. "No, it's not your fault and it doesn't matter because no matter what names they call me I know that it isn't true."

"Yes, but if only those people who have called you Nazi are in our country, they should be serving prison by now." Nikolai cut in. "Especially when they have just called the daughter of the Bundeskanzler a Nazi."

Morgan's jaw dropped a little. "Is that how strict your country is?" she asked, pertaining to Nikolai, ignoring the Bundeskanzler term my brother has used.

"No, we are simply ashamed." He said humorless. "Oh, and it's nice to finally meet you. My name is Nikolai." And with only a matter of seconds, the humorless Nikolai turns into a charming Nikolai. He extended his arm to Morgan who gladly accepts.

"Yes, Vita has always mentioned you. I'm Morgan." Then she sat down on the chair opposite of Nikolai.

"I will try to do something about this." Callum said.

"No, you don't have to. I'm taking the high road." I said, smiling at them all encouragingly. "I didn't need to stoop down on their level. If they don't like me, I don't care. I don't need everyone to like me anyway."

When Callum went home, I help Nikolai settle in. I don't think he's going to leave anytime soon.

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