Chapter Nineteen

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"Antoinette, there is a reason why that photo is in a secured place." He said simply, closing his office and walking towards me. He took it from my hands and look at it dearly.

"Tell me why you have the same picture as Callum's." I said, asking firmly. "Was it his mother? W-were you in love with his mother before?" I continued asking when I fell silent, simply looking at the picture. "Why does she look so much like me?"

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Papa looked at me, pain in his eyes and walk towards the window, facing his back to me. "I wasn't supposed to be telling you this."

"No, you are supposed to tell me because you're my father Papa. So tell me." I insisted.

He sighed again before speaking. "Her name's Antoinette." He began. "I met her while I'm attending college in Oxford. She's a literature major like you, I was once her lover. I named you after her but I didn't know you'd look exactly like her."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but wait for Papa to continue. "I knew I was already promised to marry your mother since I was 15 but I fell for her anyway. She's the closest friend I have ever made since I began studying in Oxford. She supported me in all the things in my life. She seems to have reciprocated my feelings until Callum arrived." He chuckled. "Only that his name is not Callum then, it was James Hausier."

My brows furrow even more. "Why is Callum had to do with this? He hasn't even born or existed during those times. And what do you mean about his name then was James Hausier?"

He finally turned around and looked at me with emotions I didn't quite know. "He does, but that matter is something he should tell you himself." He walks towards the vault and places the picture carefully on it and closes it. "I cannot tell you anything further. If you wish to know more, you should go and ask him yourself."

Then I remember that night when I overheard them talk about me. "Is she the reason why mama treats me differently?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I gasp and felt my knees week and ended up sitting on the couch that I didn't know was just behind me. "She's not my mother is she?"

Papa sat down next to me on the couch and lean his elbows on his legs. "No, she isn't. You're Traudl and my daughter."

"But why is it that I look so much like her? Even seem to like same things with her." I said, baffled by the sudden mystery that father has told me.

"I cannot tell you why, but he could."

I fell silent in my room, declined dinner not even Nonna's invitation to play something for her. I just couldn't do anything not because I didn't want to see them, but because it's a lot to take in.

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