Chapter Seventeen

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"Antoine would not have dragged you back here in Berlin if you hadn't done something profoundly going to ruin his plans for you." Nonna said as we sat by the bench in the middle of the garden.

She wraps a shawl securely around my shoulders to keep me warm. "Nonna have I done something wrong?" I asked with pure pain and sorrow in my eyes as I gaze at hers.

She sighs and brushes my arm. "No, of course not mio dolce. What makes you ask such question?"

I try to swallow the lump in my throat before I spoke. "I remember things differently when I was a child. We were happy and we're a real family then I did not know when the fights started, all of a sudden both of my parents became estranged from me. I couldn't help but think that perhaps I might have done something to them or provoked them to be like that with me, I just couldn't recall what exactly it is."

She was silent for a little while, just looking at me with her empathetic green eyes. "Parents have troubles along the way, and sometimes they can never really mend it and the only concoction they could ever concur of acting upon is silence for the sake of their children but never think that it was your fault. A child can never bear faults of the parents' action." I nodded but still don't feel relieved. Something tells me that my parents blame me for something I didn't know. "Vita, there are things I cannot tell you no matter how I badly wanted to ease your pain and worries but trust me that the right time will come for you to learn the answers you have badly sought from the right person who should tell you everything."

That didn't really made any sense but Nonna knew things I am yet to know so I decided to be patient and tries to push my worries and pain on the back burner.

By dinner, I am already feeling better. We ate dinner together and with Nonna here staying with us, cheered me up a lot.

"I'm glad you have chosen your family over work, Traudl." Nonna said as she sips on her soup.

Mama pursed her lips and look up to Nonna. "Of course. What kind of mother I'll be if I choose work over family." She replied faking a smile.

"I don't know, what kind of a mother who would be unaware of her child being unwell?" She said sarcastically. Nonna and Mama never really liked it each other. Even though Nonna didn't like her, she tried to respect her however it always changes whenever she sees I'm being neglected.

"N-nonna, I have finally perfected a symphony in my violin." I said, trying to take the impending doom between my mother and grandmother.

Nonna look over at me and her face brightens. "That's great. I would very much love to hear that, Nipotina because that's how mothers do. They listen to their child and support them with everything they want." She said.

I frowned. Papa sighed exasperatedly. "Madre di fermarlo." He said calmly.

Nonna rolled her eyes. "I have lost my appetite. Come, Nipotina. Escort your Nonna back to her room."

I stood up and help her rise to her feet. She links my arm with hers and we walk out of the dining room. When Nonna sleeps, I went out of her room carefully and went straight to my room. I was in the hallway when I heard my mother cries while they are at the living room.

"Why must she torment me like this?" Mama said. Her cries muffled, perhaps Papa hugs her while she cries.

"You know her. She loved Vita too much." He said, comforting her.

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