Chapter Twenty-Four

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I knew there's a reason why from the beginning I felt something oddly familiar with him and a vague feeling of comfort when he's around. Why he strangely reminded me of Callum and why I see my blue eyes to him. Alexander is my son.

He stood there by the living room pacing back and forth, his hand gestures proves that he's nervous. When he saw me walking towards him, he stopped and smile nervously at me. "Hello."

My tears fell on my cheeks even before I wrap him in my arms. I pull away from my hug and he wipes my tears on my cheek. "Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly at me.

I smiled a little while looking at him. "Because I finally realize why I see Callum in you and why you have my eyes."

He smiled sweetly and straightens his back. "What should I call you now?"

"Apparently my own son is older than me by 7 years." We all laughed a little. "Call me Mom nevertheless."

Callum revealed that the baby photograph in his wallet was Alexander and not him and that I gave him the wallet when I was still Antoinette so he chose not to change it even if it's a little worn out. It's hard realizing that I have missed every single moment of my son's life.

Looking at him now, he looks just like his father. I'm glad that Callum raised him well; I only wish I get to see him grow up too.

We sat outside the restaurant as I keep up with my son's life. Callum's arm is on the back of the chair while I lean on his shoulder looking at our son across our table. "So this time, tell me what really happened after I died." I said sincerely to Alex.

He chuckled a little and looked down before bringing his eyes back at me. "When you died, according to Dad, we lived just near in Oxford until I was 5 years old to avoid people from noticing that he's not looking any older as time goes by. We moved to Cyprus to his old house lived for a few more years then he met Luciano Moriatti, who's taking an interest in me since he didn't have a child of his own."

"Wait," I interrupted. "You gave our son to someone you barely met?" I said, looking at Callum raising an eyebrow.

Callum was surprised with my reaction. "No, of course not! I didn't lend him our son. Upon meeting Luciano did I realized that I met his grandfather years back. He told me that he knew about me and is willing to be Alexander's guardians while I continue to travel."

My face softens and I nodded. "Okay. I'm sorry, I was just carried away I guess."

We all laughed a little and Callum kissed my head before I let Alex continue. "He adopted me over the years and having no child of his own, he made me his heir of his satellite manufacturing company."

I smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you grow up."

He shook his head and smiled sweetly at me. "Dad said that you usually reincarnates every few hundred years. I'm just glad I can get to see you while I still can."

I lean over the table and extend my hand towards him. He lean over as well and take my hand. "I'll try to be a good mother to you for the rest of the remaining years of this life."

He squeezed my hand before letting go. "Sounds perfect." He smiled. "Dad, why don't you show Mom your collections of pictures and paintings of her?"

I look over Callum expectantly. "Of course."

When we head home, Callum and Alex lead me to a room located at the 3rd floor of the house. They opened it for me and I entered a vast room filled with sketches, paintings and photographs of me. Most paintings were of me during the times of me being Simonetta. The photographs are mostly when I was as Antoinette.

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