Chapter Sixteen

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A few months ago, Karl and I went home to Berlin to spend our summer in his family lake house in Cologne-Bonne. We're celebrating our 7 month anniversary and we're only a few weeks away but right now, I'm packing my clothes because papa asked us to be back a week before the party they have set up as a gift for us.

I couldn't help but pout. I didn't really want to leave this place. I look at my window view and see the lake reflecting the trees and the surroundings beautifully. For the whole summer, Karl and I swam in those waters, hand in hand we dive and sometimes we would kiss by the dock as we watch the stars and the moon at night. The wind graciously carry the leaves and branches as it goes, reminding me of how my hair was all over the place and Karl tucked away the strands that are on my face before he kisses me. Then my eyes went inside the colossal house where it was once filled with laugher and joy, these walls have seen how romantic my boyfriend is and how lucky I am to be his girlfriend.

"Need a hand, babe?" Karl said, interrupting my thoughts. I smiled lovingly at him and nodded.

"I can't believe we're leaving already."

He wraps his arms around my waist as soon as he's in front of me. He chuckled at my remark. "We have spent an entire summer together here, babe. You're becoming greedy." He teased; he planted a kiss on my exposed neck.

I pushed him lightly. "Karl, come on. I think Christoph is already there waiting for us. I can't let him think suspiciously."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Come on then."

Taking my suitcase, I slowly walk out of the room and giving it a one last look before I close the door. Christoph took the suitcase from Karl and put it in the trunk as I try to memorize the house that became my home for 3 months.

When the limo pulled over, I went out of the car expecting Karl to come with me but he just stood there by the vehicle and smile at me when I look back at him. "You're not staying?" I asked, pouting a little as I walk towards him, holding his hands as I reach him.

"I can't love. Mom wants me to come home and help out with the mine in Africa." He tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"How long will you be gone?" I lean on his chest and poke his lower lip lightly.

"Just for a few days." Then he kisses my forefinger.

"I'll miss you."

"I miss you." I giggled but stopped when he kissed me urgently. I put my hand on the back of his nape, deepening the kiss.

"Vita, come along now." Nikolai said I jumped a little, making me bite his lip a little too hard.

"OW!" he said, cupping his lips.

"Sheiβe! I'm sorry, babe!" I said looking at him with concern eyes.

I can hear Nikolai laughing by the front door. I look over my shoulder and give him a would-you-stop look and bring my gaze back to Karl. "Babe, its fine. I need to get going anyway."

"Okay. Tschüss." I lean in for another kiss when Karl held my shoulder, stopping me from moving closer.

"Ah, babe my lip still hurts." I pouted and straighten my back. "Tschüss." Then he went back in the car and Christoph took my boyfriend away.

When I started towards the door, Nikolai is laughing out loud this time. "You're such an awful kisser." He teased.

"Shut it! If you hadn't surprised me, I would have been a better one!"

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