2 // flashback

298 26 3

very great in amount.

"There it is!!" Dan's  mother said excitedly

"Thats our new house?" Questioned Dan from the back seat.

"Isn't it great! We'll have a bigger backyard then the one in ohio! And lovely neighbors, better than the grouchy smiths" added his dad.

As they pulled into the driveway of their new home, Dan noticed a lady and a little boy around his age on the doorstep with balloons and a cake?

"Who's th-" He was cut off by his mom jumping out of the car to hug the strange women.

"That's grace and her son. Your mom and grace have been friends since they were young..around your age im pretty sure. They haven't seen each other since after college" his father explained as if he was a expert on the topic, but he probably was.

"DAN.. TOM come say hi to grace and her son oliver!" Exclaimed his over excited mom. The little boy next to grace looked nervous. Dan walked out of the van and towards the porch.

"This is Phil. He's in the fourth grade. Say hi to Dan, Phil" said grace with a smile, nudging Phils shoulder.
Phils cheeks grew a light shade of pink. He took a breath and stuck out his hand with a smile just like his moms.

"Hi im Phil"
Dan took his hand and shook it.
"I'm Dan" he replied with a smile.

"Should we go inside" asked his dad

"Oh!! Yes, well Phil has soccer practice soon so well get going. It was nice seeing you again! We should go out later or tomorrow and catch up! Said grace happily, handing tom the cake that had 'welcome home' written on it.


Phil and his mom left. The family went inside. Dans parents went into the kitchen.
Dan stood in the Doorway, still processing all the moving and neighbors and the new home.

"Do you want to go pick a room Dan?" Said his mom putting the cake in the fridge.


Dan adventured up the stairs and picked the first room on the left. He walked into the white walled room and sat on the empty mattress and looked around. The room came with a dresser, tv and a walk in closet. Also a window that lead to the roof. Dan laid down and drifted to sleep.

All this moving was overwhelming.


This fic is going no where smh @ myself :( Idk what happened to my old writing style ):

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