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"Do you want to go to the park and have a picnic for lunch?" Phils mom asked him as she was preparing sandwiches. "we can invite dan if you want" she added.

"Ok!" Replied phil enthusiastically. "can I go get him?"

"Yes go ahead. I'll be their in a minute"

Phil grabbed his shoes and went to get dan. The perks of being best friends with your neighbor is that you can walk to there house in less than 5 minutes.
Before Phil could ring the doorbell, dan's mom opened the door with a suitcase in her hand.

"oH! Phil hi! I was about to ask your mom if she could take care of dan for a bit as I have to run errands." Dans mom said.

"Actually, I was wondering if dan wanted to go to the park to have a lunch picnic" replied phil

"I'm sure he'd love too! DAN!"

Dan then came running down the stairs with shoes on, ready to go.

"yES!! Let's go!"

And they left to meet phils mom by the front gate. She waved to dans mom and they headed off


About 10 minutes later the park was in view.

"I see the park!" Exclaimed Phil about to cross the road

"Look left and right then left again before you cross!" Said phils mom

Upon arriving the bunch found a shady spot under a tree and ate the sandwiches.


"Are you boys done eating?" Asked phils mom as she finished up her banana.

"Yes. Can we go play?" Asked dan eagerly

"Yes. But don't go out of my line of sight"

"yAY LETS said Phil.

The two boys hopped up and ran around the grassy area. They noticed a man taking down some caution tape from a big structure.

"What's that" asked dan curiously

"It's a water fountain" said the man taking the tape down and rolling it up into a crumpled ball. "It's been contributed by the local neighborhood to a solider in the army. You boys are the first to see it complete!"
The man then threw a quarter in the fountain and stood quietly for a few seconds.

"Why'd you do that?" Asked Phil

"You throw a coin in the water and make a wish" the man said handing dan and Phil each a nickel. "Well I best be on my way! Enjoy the fountain"

The two boys threw their coins in the water and made a wish. After the little ritual they walked back to phils mom

"What did you wish for?" Asked phil to dan.

"Your wish won't come true if you say it aloud."

"I'll tell you mine if you say yours!"

Ahh the temptation

"fine. I wished that we'll stay best friends forever that's all"

"Me too...TAG!"

They chased each other's until it was time to go home.


I know the fic is kinda childish and such but it will eventually get better..hopefully :)

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