9// flashback

167 15 3

meet me by the water fountain at 7


Dan was stood at the water fountain, pacing back and forth thinking of what he would say to phil.

hey phil, i just got word from my parentals that were leaving for LA tonight

no that doesn't sound right

phil...we've been friends for so long, so i hope you understand this and don't take it to hard

ugh nothing sounds rig-

"hey dan!" dan turned around to see phil running in his direction. "What's up?"

dan just looked at him for a minute before motioning for phil to sit down with him. they together sat in silence. (heh car radio lol)

"Phil, we've been friends for a while, so we both have probably grown some sort of connection that allows us to forgive each other rather fast with no sign of hurt ect."

"what do you mean, dan?" phil said moving closer to dan to try to comfort him.

"I..umm..I love you...but I can't"

Phil started to turn a rosy pink shade.

I wasn't supposed to tell him that. shit.
Stupid brain thinking faster th-
My thoughts were cut off by phils lips on mine. Once he pulled away I was blushing like crazy.

"Phil-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing.
Phils face was still inches from mine, looking into my eyes

"You should pick that up" Phil said slowly pulling away. I looked at the screen to see my mom was calling.

"Hello ?"

"Dan where are you? You need to come home and pack. We're leaving tomorrow morning, at a very early time"

"I with Phil..at the water fountain. I'll be home in a bit."

Awkward silence. Dan looked up at Phil and it was blue on brown. Dan had always had a thing for Phil eyes. Blue with a hint of green.

"I gotta go home and-"

Shit. I haven't told Phil the real reason why I called him to meet me here.

"Gotta go home and..?" Phil said. Dan hadn't realized he stopped mid sentence.

"I just really gotta go. Bye Phil. I love you" and with that he ran off, quickly out of the park and towards his house.

I love you too.

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