11// flashback (TRIGGER WARNING!! YIKES!)

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The next morning I woke up to find my mother dead in the bathtub.

Her eyes were open, soullessly staring into the wall. She was leaning against the back of the tub holding a blade in one hand that was resting on the tub side and the arm that was hanging off the other side of the tub had a deep cut that ran along her arm. There was empty bottles of beer littered everywhere. Dried blood had stained the white shower rug and the tub side.

It looked like a murder scene.

My mind was completely blank as I stared at the women in the tub. Memories of what she said last night came flooding into my brain.

"goodbye. I love you"

My father had already left for work. I paced around the bathroom unsure of what to do. Ringing the police was the most obvious option but I couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone and tell a stranger that my mom was dead and it was her doing. The smell of death came rushing into my mind and ran out of the bathroom and burst into tears falling onto the floor. one question ran through my mind.

why? she seemed so happy. guess i couldn't see past the barrier she put up to protect me.

protect me from my father...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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