6// flash foward

202 16 2

The drive home wasn't that long, even though I intentionally tried driving rather slow.
I had parked the car in the drive way and sat still for a few minutes for the 3rd time that night. Thinking.
Dan stirred in his sleep and the noise cut my thoughts off.

I should take him inside shouldn't i ?

I clicked the button to release my seat belt and popped open the door. Slowly I walked to the other side and shook dan a little to wake him.

He didn't budge
His breathing was slow

I decided to pick him up and carry him like a child inside. He surprisingly wasn't that heavy. I carried him up the driveway and inside up to my room with ease. Once upstairs I carefully placed him on my bed and threw the comforter on him. Then I walked to the bathroom across the hallway and opened the medicine cabinet searching for Advil and a glass of water for when he woke up.
After grabbing what I needed, I headed back and placed the items on the nightstand beside the bed and plopped on the couch in the corner of the room.
Watching the boy sleep until I fell asleep.

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